Chapter 11

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Hyde's POV

As soon as she turned around to walk away, so did I. I knew if I watched her leave, it would hurt more. Not too long after, I reunited with the rest of the band. "Is your date over so soon?" asked Ken. It was definitely sooner than I would've liked. "They were borrowing her friends' uncle's car" ,I explained to them. To me it was a dumb reason. I would've loved for her to stay longer. I would've taken care of her. "I see. Well since your date is done, we should head back to our hotel. I'm having a friend drop by" said Yukihiro. A friend? "Since when do you have friends drop by Yukihiro?" added Tetsuya, finding the fact just as unusual. The four of us started to walk back to the car, "You all met him before. It's Yagami. I asked him to come over to talk to Hyde because he's actually been through the whole 'partner' process" Yukihiro explained. That caught my attention. So he'd actually be able to understand me? "Why the hell didn't you think of that earlier?!" Ken barked. Yukihiro wasn't offended by Ken's tone, "Because he was out of town. But he came back a little bit early. So I asked him to drop by" he said. Guess that makes sense. It's refreshing to know that someone in our vampire circle will be able to explain everything.

On the car ride back to our hotel, I was quiet. "Is it me or is it strange that Hyde isn't having a mental breakdown right now?" said Tetsuya out of the blue. "You know what. That is strange. I thought a date would've made things 100 times worse" added Ken. I started to think about it. They were right. For once I wasn't panicking. I thought I was going to freak out, like they assumed. "I guess I'm just determined to find some answers about all this" I told them what I thought. "But don't think I'm not still getting flashes of what happened tonight" I added. It was weird that I wasn't triggered. Could I just be getting better at this? Or maybe my drive to finishing answers was keeping my head on straight for the time being. "Sad to say, if he's not feeling it now. He will later. But hopefully Yagami will be able to shed some light on things" ,said Yukihiro. Suddenly, I just remembered (Y\N)'s request to see me again and I wanted to fulfill that. "I'm not sure if we should talk about this now or later. But (Y\N) said she's going back home soon apparently" I told the group. "Are you f*cking kidding me?! She's leaving Japan and you just found out" Ken exploded. I did feel bad for just mentioning it, though she barely said anything until now. "I would've said something earlier if I knew. I'm not stupid" I told him. Which was true. "Well this just adds to the fire, doesn't it?" said Tetsuya calmly, also not liking what was said. Yukihiro was quiet, obviously in thought. We waited for his response eagerly. "If this is the case. I say the best thing we can do is have her at least meet us properly. Especially since she's going to remain in Hyde's life. We should discuss it with her. We need to know what she can do on her end to keep this relationship going. Is she willing to stay with you, Hyde?" Yukihiro explains what he was thinking. She said she was willing to stay together and so was I. "She wants to keep seeing me and so do I. We have to try whatever we can '' I told him. That wasn't a bad idea. I'm happy to hear that Yukihiro wants her to meet everyone. It felt like the next step to make her a permanent part of my life. But I felt bad for dragging them into something that felt personal. Because of me, they all have to sacrifice. "Then let's not look like a bunch of idiots around her. Let's show her a good time. Show her that we're family and we care about each other" Tetsutya spoke up. Sometimes Tetsuya surprised me with his openly caring personality. But his words were always genuine. "So what are we all gonna do? Sit in a circle and talk all night?" asked Ken. Who wasn't wrong in his assumption. Talking would be important, but I want this meeting to be fun too. "I'm sure the four of us can put our heads together and think of something" I reassured them. Surely it won't be that hard. I just don't want this to be so awkward for her.

We arrived back at the hotel. Outside of our room, there was someone waiting for us. "I hope I didn't come too early. Though the night is young" ,said the man, who I assumed was Yagami. He was dressed in blue jeans, a white shirt and a leather jacket. "Not at all. The sooner we can discuss the matter, the better" Yukihiro greeted him. We all went into the room and got settled in more comfortable clothing before holding a vampire meeting. I sat next to Yagami on one of the sofas. I wasn't sure what he was going to tell me. The good things. The bad things. I was a bit scared, to be honest. "If I may ask, I want to know the situation from start to finish" Yagami asked me. Was he trying to gauge where the relationship was?? I explained everything to him. Meeting her at the concert. Texting. Tonight's date. My symptoms. Everything. Recalling it all, brought all my emotions to the surface. Yukihiro was right. If I didn't freak out in the car, certainly it was going to be now. I started breathing heavier, bringing my fangs out. I needed to go find her. I need her here now. Yagami did nothing to try to calm me down. No one did. Did he want to see how far I'd go? My mind almost went blank, like at the festival. I went to stand up but someone took hold of my arm. It was Yagami. "Sit down. You'll be fine. Relax" he told me. I had thoughts of running out the door to go to find her. I forced myself to stay seated, but doing so made my body tremble. "He's not going through the burst phase yet. But he's getting there" observed Yagami. "Burst?" questioned Tetsuya. "That's what I call it. It's kind of like built up energy. He wants to go find her. So his vampire instincts are telling him to. Eventually, he won't freeze up like this anymore. He'll just go" Yagami explains. I was trying my best to listen so I could understand what was happening to me. "So this freezing up, is just the start of it?" said Ken. Yagami nods, "Freezing is the start. Bursting is the latter effect. .My friends told me many times I would just bolt out the door at the mention of my partner's name. It's almost like the flip of a switch" he says. It was exactly like that. Like anything about her was a trigger to me and it made no sense.

I forced myself to swallow my urge to leave to say something, "Why?" I managed to say. I needed to know the answer. "I can't really say what drives us vampires to go crazy. But the one thing it comes down to is the blood of our partners. Blood is what drives us and our partners have the best supply of it. It not only feeds our body, but it's almost comforting. Since we are getting that blood from someone we care about, it's twice as important to us. Both the blood and the person. It's also the best damn blood you'll ever have too" Yagami went on to explain. Blood being the center of it makes sense. It's what makes us vampires, after all. We need it to survive. I began to calm down a bit more. "Then what causes the panic attacks?" I asked. That was the more important piece of the puzzle to me. Yagami thought for a moment, gathering his thoughts,

"In my own thinking, when I think about my partner, I miss her. When I miss her, I want her. Easy enough to understand. For us vampires, our emotions can get out of hand sometimes. So when we want someone, our bodies will do anything to go find it. It's like we're afraid of losing that person subconsciously. So we end up freaking out and panicking because of that fear response" ,Yagami explains further. I let his words process in my mind. So I want her because I miss her and am afraid to lose her. She's also a source of what is valuable blood to me. That's why I want her by my side all the time. Everything in my mind was starting to clear up. I was finally able to understand my own feelings. Except one. "Is guilt part of the process?" I asked him. "At first. Yes. But fixing that is the hardest thing you'll ever do. It is what can make or break the relationship between the two of you" he said sadly as if remembering something. What did I have to do? Bite her more? "What do you mean?" I asked him to clarify. "The reason why I felt guilty and why you do too is because we're doing this in secret. We bite them. We go and do it behind their backs. When all we want to do is tell them we're vampires because we love them and they deserve to know. We want that sense of true acceptance. Anyone would want that, not just vampires" he told me. I was speechless for a moment. He was right about that part. After biting her, I would feel this guilt in my gut. Something inside me wanted to tell her. But deep down, I'm afraid of what she'd say. That's what he means it can make or break. "So if she rejects him after he tells her. He's screwed?" asked Ken. "More or less. Though there is one way to break the connection. I don't recommend it at all for a number of reasons" Yagami said as if he didn't want to even mention it. But what was so bad? "What's that?" asked Ken. "You'd have to kill her. That's the only way. Though I've heard of one incident of a vampire who did that many moons ago. Let's just say you'd have to put Hyde asleep in a coffin for many years or the true monster will come out" Yagami answered. K-Kill her? To break the connection? No way! I'd never consider that. Not even if I did go insane. "That's going way too far!" I said, obviously upset at the thought. "Settle down. We're not going to even think about doing that to the two of you. We'll come up with something" reassured Yukihiro, who looked to also be uneasy about the thought. "Is something wrong?" Yagami asked Yukihiro. "She's leaving Japan soon. We have little time to think of a plan to establish a firm relationship between them. But Hyde and his girl want to stay together. That's the positive side of things" Yukihiro explained the problem to Yagami. "Sh*t. That is a problem. I don't want to impose. It's your decision. But the sooner you tell her you're a vampire, the better. You'll really be able to sort things out that way. Though, I know it will be hell trying to tell her" said Yagami. I was afraid he would suggest that. But no matter what, I had no choice. She wants to stay with me, but she doesn't understand my need to be with her, not only as my partner but as a vampire. She won't understand until I tell her the truth. But how the hell do I tell her? Though the worst thing is will she even accept me?

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