Chapter 5

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Your POV

You walked out the door and let it shut behind you before looking down at the piece of paper again. You took out your phone and saved the number to your contacts. But what should you put as the name? You can't put Hyde. You could but what if Yume went through your phone?! Okay now you sounded paranoid. You ended up putting his contact as 'My Rockstar'. Because technically that wasn't a lie. You hid the slip of paper under your phone case to keep it safe before returning to Leo and Yume. "Someone looks relieved," Yume said as you finally got back to them. "Well I had to go, you know" you told them in a good mood. Yea, go do something awesome. Leo looked at you closely, "Something happened. You're in way too good of a mood" he accused you. He wasn't wrong. Should you tell them? Though who'd believe you really. You decided to tell part of the truth. So you didn't technically lie. "I got a boy's number okay" you told them. Yume was shocked, then excited. "Are you serious?! Oh my gosh girl that's awesome. So spill the beans! Are you gonna go out with him?" she said practically shaking you. "I would if you stopped and let me talk" you cried out wanting the whole word to stop spinning. Yume let you go, "Sorry. I'm just excited you finally got some man action for once" she apologized. As the world came clear again, you paused what you would exactly say to them? Not like you had a date with Hyde actually. Not much to say. "Well we haven't talked about a date yet. I barely got his number" you told them. "Well did you atleast catch his name? You have to have that at least" Yume said, hoping to get an answer. Dang. What do you say? Well if you just called Hyde by his real name, not like they would draw the conclusion it was really him. "It's actually kind of funny. It's Hideto" you said, a bit nervous. How would they react? "Are you for real?! What are the odds girl?! Same name as Hyde's actual name. That's some serious luck" Yume said, blown away more than before. "You are now the good luck charm of the group. I don't think anyone I know has ever had such luck in one day" Leo said, also finding the situation interesting. At Least all is going well for now.

The three of you eventually made your way back to Yume's uncle's house. It was pretty late in the night plus the jet lag was also still kind of there as well. You quickly cleaned your face, shoved some food in your face, changed clothes and went to lie down. You looked at your phone and saw some paper sticking out of the case. You suddenly remembered. Oh shoot. How could you forget?! You opened up a message and prepared to send a text to Hyde. But what should you say? You stared at the blank text. For crying out loud, text something! What if he's waiting for you to text him? You decided to text the title of the song you chose at the concert. So he'd for sure know it was you. Maybe you should've just texted something more simple. Like "Hi Hyde. It's me (Y\N)'. Gosh dang it. Why didn't you?! What if he doesn't get it?! You planted your face in your pillow in shame and let your phone lock. (your notification tone goes off). You lifted your head quickly. Was it him? You looked at your phone and looked at your notifications:

1 message from My Rockstar

Holy Shiitake mushrooms! You quickly unlocked your phone and went to see what the message said.

"Is that you, my angel?"

My angel?! You had a sudden flashback and recalled his words, "What song is your favorite angel?". Was this the nickname he's given you? Guess it was safe to say this was him. But what should you reply?

"Yes, my rockstar"

You waited for a reply.

"I'm so happy you texted me <3"

Aw. So he was waiting for you. You would've felt bad if you would've waited until morning.

"I didn't mean to text you so late. I had a long day"

Separation and Obsession (Hyde x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now