Chapter 20

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You and Hyde watched a solo match between Yukihiro and Tetsuya. Though, you started to get tired during the match and let out a yawn. "If you're too tired to stay up, you can go lie down in my bed" Hyde had offered you. After a long day like today, going to sleep sounded amazing. Although, you didn't really want to go lie down by yourself. It might be hard to fall asleep in an unfamiliar place. "I'm not sure if I'll be able to fall asleep by myself" you said, giving him a hint and hoping he'd come lie down with you for a bit. You were a little too shy to ask him directly. "You want me to lie down with you for a bit?" he asked. Bingo. You nodded a bit eagerly. Hyde smiled knowing that it would make you happy. He gave you a quick kiss on your forehead. He really liked doing that didn't he? You didn't mind the sweet gesture. "Hey! I don't want to hear any funny business alright?!" Ken voiced loudly, obviously still a bit tipsy. Hyde grabbed an empty can from a nearby table and chucked it at Ken. The can hit Ken straight on his forehead. "What the hell?!" Ken wasn't expecting Hyde to retaliate like that. He started rubbing his forehead tenderly in pain. Hyde started saying things to Ken in Japanese but you couldn't understand a word. But it sounded like he was cursing. It was kind of funny to watch. Hyde turned his attention back to you. "Let's clean up a bit. You have a bit of mascara out of place" he told you. You did?! It must've been from crying and then rubbing your eyes. Wish you would've paid attention earlier.

You followed Hyde to the restroom. He gave you some make up wipes to use for your makeup. He also cleaned his face as well. The two of you washed your faces at the same time. It kind of made you think of something cheesy a couple would do together. As you finished, you made sure you didn't miss any spots. You got every bit of makeup. Then it hit you. You kind of felt naked without makeup. Sure it wasn't a lot but it was a confidence booster. You were used to your face, but what would Hyde think? Were you overthinking this? Yes. Did you blame yourself? Not really. You turned away from Hyde and waited until he was finished. Hyde was naturally handsome, you knew he looked good no matter what. Whether he wore makeup or not. "Everything okay, my angel?" asked Hyde, who found it odd you'd turn away from him. Should you just tell him the truth? "Yes. I'm just a bit nervous" you told him, not exactly telling him why. It's just your face, not like you were ugly without makeup. Were you? "I think I see what's wrong. Turn around" Hyde asked you. You did so, but kept your head down to not look at him. You felt a hand touch your chin and left your head up. You blushed, slightly embarrassed. "There's nothing wrong with your face, my angel. You're beautiful with or without makeup" Hyde told you. You looked at Hyde and locked eyes with him. It just made you blush even more so. You could feel your face get warm. You covered your face with your hands, embarrassed but happy at what Hyde said. Hyde chuckled at your embarrassment and gave you a quick hug, "You're so cute" he complimented you, "Now let's go lie down" he added.

The two of you went to the room. Hyde opened the door for you, and then closed it afterwards. He neglected to turn on the lights at all. Oh yea. He could see in the dark.But you couldn't. It was quite dark in the room, you couldn't see much of anything. "Hyde I can't see" you told him, not wanting to move just in case you'd step on something. You could hear his voice somewhere in front of you, "Sorry. I forgot you can't see in the dark. I'm just used to it, I don't bother turning on the lights on much" he told you. You listened closely and could hear him move to the right side of the room. You suddenly saw moonlight shine in and could now see everything around you. "I'll leave the window curtain open for you. Just in case you have to get up" Hyde said. You went over to Hyde's bed and moved the small toy koi fish onto the nightstand, so it wouldn't get lost. You pulled the cover back so you could lie down. Hyde walked over to the opposite side of the bed, so he could lie down with you.

You covered the two of you with the blanket, so you could get comfortable. Hyde immediately pulled you towards him, cuddling you like a teddy bear. You enjoyed how close you were to each other. He felt so warm and comforting to be next to. You let yourself relax in his embrace, putting your head on his chest so you can hear his heart beating. As you were quiet, listening, you couldn't help but think about everything that happened tonight. You still had many questions. Though, you were sure they'd be answered in time. But what you kept thinking of was about him biting you again. Would he put you to sleep? Though, not like he needed to now that you knew. Why did vampires put people to sleep? You wanted to know. Might as well ask now, since the two of you were just lying here. "Hyde. Do you know why vampires put people to sleep before biting them?" you asked him. "So they won't know what's happening. They'll forget we've bitten them" he told you. It was the obvious answer though was that really it? "That's what I figured but there isn't any other reason? Do you think the bite hurts really bad?" you told him, thinking about it. If the bite did hurt a lot, then sleeping would prevent the pain from being noticed. Though you have never been awake when bitten. You couldn't say. "I'm not sure, my angel. Not like we could ask someone what it feels like. I don't think it would hurt that much though" he gave you his opinion. It was just two fangs going into your skin, but they were kind of large fangs. What did it feel like? "You want to bite me again, right?" you said, knowing it wasn't something you couldn't really escape from since he was a vampire and you were his lover. "Yes, my angel. I do want to. Your blood is very sweet to me. Knowing that you're staying with me, despite what I am, it makes me happy. I can be at ease, not hiding anything anymore. But I wouldn't want you to be in discomfort. I can put you to sleep, if you prefer" he told you sweetly. Blood was sweet? All you could think of is that weird iron like taste. Yuck. But, if he was more at ease now, that's really what mattered to you. You were also happy you chose to stay with him, despite the differences. When it came to being bitten, well you wanted to actually feel what it was like first. Even if the thought did make you nervous and a bit uncomfortable. But the pain couldn't be that great. Hopefully. "I see. I want to be awake for the first bite. I want to see how it feels" you explained to him. You could understand being put to sleep is just easier, but you want to at least feel it once before you could decide. Staying awake, well to you, would be a milestone in accepting his vampire nature.

"I won't rush you into it. When you feel ready. Though maybe tomorrow would be better" Hyde said thinking about it. "Why is that?" you asked, wanting to know his thoughts. You thought if you said you wanted to be bitten, he'd jump right on it. But maybe he was just being sensitive to your feelings. "Vampires can actually get drunk off of drinking intoxicated blood. You and I did have a few drinks. So if I bit you now, it would be like I also had your drinks as well" Hyde explained to you. That was a thing? If alcohol went straight into your blood and that's what vampires drank, it made logical sense. But to be like drinking double, that's bad. They must have to be careful not to bite someone too intoxicated. "Tomorrow it is then. I don't want you to get a hangover" you told him, understanding the situation. Although, what would drunk Hyde be like? You wondered.

"One more question. Then I'll go to sleep" you said to him. Though, you could stay up all night talking to him like this. But you did want to get some rest. "What's that, my angel?",Hyde replies, awaiting your question. "What does blood taste like?" you asked him. You wanted a more in depth answer and were curious. It took Hyde a minute to respond, "I'm not sure if I can explain it. I guess it doesn't have a flavor really. It's like biting into a bloody steak, there is something good there you can taste, but you can't really explain it. In the end, it tastes good to me. But yours is sweeter than anything else. Kind of like honey. I'll never get enough of it" ,Hyde told you. So your blood tastes sweet like honey? That might be the closest to a flavor you're gonna get for now. 

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