Chapter 29

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For the next few days, you, Yume and Leo ended up hanging out with Adrien a lot. Leo really enjoyed having another guy around like you expected and the two got along. Not that you didn't like Adiren, something just felt off. Maybe it was the fact that it did seem like he's interested in you. You ended up having to tell him that you were taken and was in a long distance relationship with someone. "No disrespect to your boyfriend, but things can change. But I'll respect it", Adrien told you. Things can change?! Did he like you that much, even though you weren't as interactive with him like Yume and Leo were? As long as he respected that you were in a relationship, you guess that was all that mattered. After that he did seem to back off quite a bit but was still really nice to you nonetheless. You felt like Hyde should know about this so you told him the next time you could call him. "It's a bit weird but he did stop trying to flirt with me when I told him I was taken. I hope this doesn't bother you much", you told Hyde. You could understand if he got upset because he wanted to defend you. "I trust you, my angel. As long as he respects you. If not, I'll have to fly out there asap", he said to you. What would that look like? Hyde protecting you from Adrien? He didn't need to go that far. Adrien did listen to you at least and took your words seriously. Even though he said things could change. You didn't like that part at all.

The next day, after you were done with (work\school), the four of you decided to go to an arcade just to have some fun. It has been awhile since you've been to one. Though you made sure to never be alone with Adrien for reasons. Not like he'd go as far as to kiss you or anything, as far as you could tell, he'd keep his word. But you still felt slightly uncomfortable. You and Yume were having a blast playing Guitar Hero. "I'm going to go check out a game around the corner. I'll be back in a sec" Yume said. Leo, went with her of course. Leaving you with Adrien. Damn. "Why don't we play another song, while we wait for them?" you suggested to Adrien, so you wouldn't be standing there awkwardly. Adrien agreed and the two of you played another song. But by the end, Leo and Yume still weren't back. Maybe you should go look for them. "Yume probably got distracted. Let's go look for her and Leo" you told Adrien. Anything to do something else. You set the guitar down and were about to step down from the platform when suddenly, your vision started to blur and you missed the step. You felt yourself falling and for a moment, everything went black.

"Adrien what happened to (y

)!?", you heard a female voice ask as you were coming back to consciousness. You opened your eyes and saw Adrien, Yume and Leo all staring down at you as you lay on the floor. "I'm not sure. She missed a step and just fell over", Adrien told her. Missed a step? No, that wasn't it. Something was messing with you. You sat up and looked back at the platform. There was nothing to explain why your vision got hazy. Nothing was there to cause you to slip or trip. You weren't that clumsy to just miss a step out of nowhere. "Are you okay?", Leo asked you, concerned that you fell hard enough to presumably black out. You nodded, "I'm fine" you told him. Leo helped you stand back on your feet again. That was more than just weird. The four of you sat down and decided to grab a bite to eat. "Maybe you're just hungry. Not eating can cause people to pass out or walk funny", Adrien said to try to explain what had happened. You were a bit hungry but not starving. "Or you just need some water", Leo added. Both are valid but you wouldn't let yourself to go that far. Was this a coincidence?

Over the weekend, you planned to have a movie marathon at the apartment. You made sure you sat as far away from Adrien. Yume and Leo could be his best friends. You'd be nice enough for him to be there but not totally comfortable until you found out why you found out why he made you feel weird. Leo was running a little late, so the three of you were sitting around waiting for him. You planned on putting on a movie none of you have seen, just to start the marathon off good. "I better make sure the tank's empty. I really don't want to miss anything", Yume said as she went to use the restroom. Again, left with Adrien. Hopefully not long enough for weird things to happen again. You weren't gonna let that last incident go. You saw Adrien looking at the L'Arc-en-Ceil poster you had in the living room. "Who are these guys?" he asked. "They're a band from Japan. Mostly rock alternative. Their music is so amazing. Yume, Leo and I recently went to Japan over spring break to go see them live. It was the best day of my life" you told him with much excitement just thinking about it. "I see. Maybe you can play a few songs for me sometime. Maybe I'll like them too" Adrien suggested. You can play some songs right now. You'd rather listen to Hyde's voice anytime, anyplace.

You took out your phone and played the song 'Blame'. It was the first song to come to mind. "This song is called Blame", you told Adrien and allowed him to listen to it for a bit. "I like the song but the singer isn't really hitting it for me", Adrien commented. You let your phone drop out of your hand in disbelief. You took that comment personally. Maybe a little too personally. How could he not like Hyde's voice? Sure everyone has their likes and dislikes but to you, he might as well have insulted you. Sure you were being really biased, but you didn't care. "The singer is what makes the song. Hyde is a fantastic singer" you defended Hyde, even if he wasn't there to witness this. "Relax, it's just my opinion. Don't get bent out of shape", Adrien was trying to get you to calm down. Opinion your a*s! You picked up your phone, stopped playing the song and sat there pouting a bit. The audacity! Adrien decided to sit right next to you, "Hey if you like the singer a lot, then I'm sorry if I made you mad" he tried to apologize. You refused to look at Adrien. What was said, was said. "Look at me will ya?" Adrien was really trying to make you feel better. You decided to look at him and hear what else he had to say. "Relax" he told you. As soon as he said that word, you felt kind of weird. You felt yourself calm down, almost against your will. It went a little too far, as your mind totally started to zone out. So much so, you went blank. What happened next, you don't recall. You heard a knocking at the door and it allowed you to come back to reality. "I'll get it", Adrien said as he got up to open the door. What the heck just happened? Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me three times, that wasn't going to happen. Something about Adrien was definitely fishy.

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