Chapter 44

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Your POV

You thought you were just dreaming and singing 'BLESS' to yourself, but you suddenly woke up. Your vision was still mostly dark and your face felt very hot. You could see Hyde looking down at you. You tried to remember what happened. You were making out with Hyde, he bit you, then you fainted. Your head felt fuzzy. You have to try to regain your sight. You tried to make yourself talk and move. Anything to send a signal to your brain that you were awake. "H-Hyde", you called out to him. You did your best to move your fingers, even a little. At Least you could feel Hyde's hands over yours. His hands were so warm compared to yours, which for some reason were kind of cold. "Can you hear me, my angel?", Hyde asked you. He was watching you closely, making sure you were going to be okay. "....yes", you replied to his question. You looked around the room and tried to use your senses more. The fan was on but you barely felt the wind. The light was on, so the room was lit. Hyde saw you were looking around, "Just take it easy until you can see clear again. Don't rush. I'm right here", he reassured you and was willing to be patient. Which was helpful and made you feel better. But feeling on the verge of passing out again, was a horrible feeling. You wanted to feel better again. It was like your brain was on dial up and taking its sweet time to wake back up. You nodded, so that he knew you were listening. All you could do was keep breathing, keep observing, keep feeling. Hyde moved one of his hands to your forehead, so he could pet you gently. It felt very comforting to you. Very slowly, you noticed the darkness in your vision start to clear. It became lighter and brighter. After a few minutes, it finally cleared away. You could see normally again. For a moment, you didn't think it would go away. You were relieved it passed, it was a little scary in those moments.

You slowly started to move your body more and more. Hyde helped you sit up in the bed, "I'll go get you some water. Don't move too much, okay?" he instructed you, before leaving the room. "How are you feeling (y

)?", you heard a voice asking but didn't see anyone from the room. You looked around and saw Hyde's phone on a call with Tetsuya. He must be on speaker. "I'm much better. My vision is clear again", you told him. "That's a huge relief. Hyde was worried. Usually fainting is caused by a lack of blood flow to the brain, which could be for many reasons. But you should be okay now. Just make sure you rest well tomorrow and drink plenty of water" Tetsuya gave you advice. "I will. Thank you for helping Tetsuya" you said. Hyde soon returned and gave you some water to drink. You drank it willingly and probably should drink a cup or two more, just in case. "I'm sorry, I caused you to pass out, my angel. I drank too much blood from you these past two days", Hyde apologized. You didn't blame him. It really wasn't his fault in a way. Besides it should've been obvious how much blood he had taken from you and that another bite was a bad idea. But those moments kissing him, made you forget everything. In a way, you should've known better too. Though all this vampire stuff is a learning process. "It's okay. I don't think we were thinking straight while you know....kissing" you said to him, blushing a little. You could see Hyde's cheeks turn pink from blushing as well, "I guess not" he agreed. "You can say heaven wasn't lost in those few minutes", you giggled, making a little joke from the song title 'Lost Heaven'. Hyde chuckled in response, he must've got the joke. "Yea. I agree with you there" he said.

"Seeing as everything is okay, I'll let you two be. Try to stay up for a little while before going to bed to make sure everything is okay" Tetsuya told the two of us before hanging up. You were a little set on going to bed, but it made sense not to. Surely you were okay enough now, but you'll listen to Tetsuya's advice. "So what should we do to pass the time?" you asked Hyde. "Not sure, my angel. How about I tell you some stories?" he suggested. Stories? He never sat down to tell you those before. You were intrigued. Surely he had interesting things to say. "Okay" you agreed eagerly. The two of you lied in the bed next to each other and stared up at the ceiling. "A few years ago, I'd heard about some people who were look-alikes that would come to the concert. People would mistake them for me. So I had the idea, what if I go out to where the fans were just for a few minutes. Surely no one would really think it was me", Hyde started his story. You listened carefully, "So did you go?" you asked him, wanting to know what happened. "It took some convincing from the staff, but they agreed I could do this just once. So I put on some sunglasses and took a L'Arc-en-Ceil bag so it would look like I was just some fan" he continued. This sounded like something Hyde would do. "Was your cover blown?" you asked him, wanting him to explain. "No. I also pretended like I was on the phone and avoided looking directly at people. Though I think some people were suspicious, no one ever approached me though" he told you. It sounded likely. Who thinks they would actually see a celebrity out amongst the fans. What are the odds? Though the odds when it came to the connection between you and Hyde were vampire related. That didn't count. "I'm surprised they let you do that for a few minutes" you told him, since it was hella risky. "Me too. My heart was pounding the whole time. I was nervous. But I made it back in one piece" he said finishing his story.

You listened to plenty of other stories from Hyde's interesting experiences in the band. You really enjoyed them and you could tell he enjoyed telling them to you. They must've been very memorable to him. You couldn't help but smile the whole time as he was talking. 

Separation and Obsession (Hyde x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now