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The truth about the Capone empire

Laura's pov

After my Mother had passed away my father had been extra cautious of his men and so have Lorenzo and Matteo .

Father has never given into any agreement or arrangement so quickly before ,what made him agree so quickly to this marriage.

And my brothers didn't even try to protect me nor defend me.What power does this man have over my family .

"Laura! my office now!" my Father said in a sharp tone,with no hesitation I obeyed him following behind him.

As I entered his office Lorenzo and Matteo were already seated and by the looks on their faces what my Father had to say was serious.

I took a seat next to Matteo my older brother as my Father sat across us.

"Laura this marriage will be a start of a powerful alliance you have to understand what were doing is for our own good,"Father said as he leaned on his desk facing me .

"This man is one of the most powerful Mafia bosses in Italy he practicing owns Italy and this alliance will benefit us all in every way possible," my face turned pale as he said mafia .

"Mafia!" I shouted "What do you mean by mafia, is our family part of the mafia!?" I said looking at my father with both confusion and disappointment.

" is this why Mother got shot , because your in the mafia!" I shouted with tears forming in my eyes ,how could they hide this from me and my brothers they knew about this.

I started to shake and I didn't know what to do .

Part of me wanted to leave and part of me wanted to slap my father across the face.

I looked at my father and back down. I hated him I hated him so much , I'm he's only daughter but he won't even hesitate to sell me off to some dangerous man for some deal.

"Laura my princessa your mother was their leader she chose this life for us"

"Don't call me princessa, Mother would never involve herself in a gang. Lorenzo, Matteo did you know about this?"

Tears fell onto my cheeks and hatred ran through my eyes , my family was part of the mafia.

"Laura calm down, " Matteo said as he placed his hand over mine trying to calm me down.

Lorenzo stood up from his seat and handed me a napkin to dry my tears off .

First my family arranges a marriage for me then I find out my mother was the ring leader of a Mafia gang, it was all too much to process .

Lorenzo placed his hand over my shoulder and I had instantly calmed down from his soothing touch .

He had always cared for me in ways my father couldn't . He was the only one in my family besides my mother who knew how to calm me down without doing anything .

Lorenzo might have been way younger than me but he had matured past Matteo's age.

"The marriage of our two families will be the biggest alliance in Italy, together with the Marino's we will build a powerful empire."

"So you decide to sell me off to a random stranger for only a title!" I said as my fist's clenched at the thought of my life being taken away at a young age,I'm only twenty Years old I'm too young to be sold off what would my Mother have thought of this .

"Laura! You are to be wed and that's it, I won't be arguing with you, do you here me!"
My father said slamming his hand onto the desk, I wanted to argue but I knew I would be waisting my time.

"DO YOU HERE ME LAURA!" He repeated.

"Yes Father" I said in a defeated tone.

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