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Begging for more

Laura's pov

I took a long and painful shower unable to get the thoughts out my head—those thoughts will be the death of me.

Marco pinning me against the shower wall and fucking me from behind till I see stars.

I got out the shower my wet hair falling onto my shoulders as I wrapped my towel around my torso.

I walked out the bathroom and to my surprise Marco was not there so I quickly changed into my silk pajama set and my fluffy white slippers.

I had assumed he was already downstairs since dinner might be already served so I headed there next.

As I entered the dining area Marco was seated at his usual spot leaned back on his chair and as usual he was waiting for me before he started.

It was something he did since the first day I got here and he had never been late for dinner whenever he was home—i on the other hand was mostly late almost all the time.

I took a seat in front of the dinner that was awaiting me slowly picking up my fork on one had and my knife on the other my eyes never left Marco's as I did so.

He was still leaned back on his chair with his hand on his chin as if he where thinking really hard on something.

"Anything bothering you?"I asked as I put a piece of steak in my mouth.

"Nothing just imagining how you would look bent over this table taking my cock like a good girl."I almost choked on my steak,I did not expect that to come out.

"Mr Marino watch your language we're having dinner."I sarcastically warned

"It's just a thought isn't it."

"Maybe it should stay one."

"Are you insinuating that we should not have sex on this table right here right now Mrs Marino."If it wasn't already possible I would have an organism just from his words.

I clenched my thighs under the table trying to keep the throbbing at bay but it didn't help that the table is made of glass and Marco was looking directly at my thighs.

"Oh but I'm not insinuating anything,you just think that."What the actual fuck was going on, whoever jumped into Marco's body I think it's time to wrap it up.

"Would you like that amor—you bent over this dinner table and orgasm after orgasm you tremble,you weaken until you beg me to stop."the thought only made me wetter,my underwear was drenched by now.

Marco stood up from his seat and slowly walked over to me until he stood behind me and leaned over until his mouth was by my ear."Would you like that amor?"He asked again.

My breaths only got deeper and I closed my eyes trying to contain myself,the Marco I knew was long gone by now.

"Yes."I softly spoke.There was no turning back now.

"Stand up."he commanded and without hesitating I did so.

"Now on your knees."I fell on my knees right after as I stared up at him,he looked unbothered as if what he was doing was not happening.

"Now I want you to fuck yourself as much and as hard as you want but your not allowed to come."I was about to debate when I remembered I'm on my knees horny as fuck in front of my husband.

My hand trailed from my thighs up and into my shorts as I slid the thin fabric of my underwear aside.

From this position I could see how strained his dick was against his pants and it only turned me on more,my fingers moved firmly threw my slick folds and I rubbed in small circular motions over my sensitive nub.

My head fell back and a small moan left my lips as I picked up the pace faster.harder. Marco clenched his jaw at the sight of me fucking myself with only my fingers.

"Does that feel good amor."he asks a slight groan coming from him the more I pleased myself in front of him.

I could not take the tension and arousal building up each second passing I was getting closer to the edge and I had to deny myself from getting too close.

"Please please—"fuck if I come I'll probably be denied many more and I had to hold back.

"Please what amor."he placed his hands on my cheeks slowly rubbing his thumb on my soft skin."You want to come,you want to perish beneath my hold."

"Y-yes."I could barely get the words out I was so close to falling off the edge.

"Stop."he demanded "and stand up."

"What."I breathed out."Do you want me to repeat myself."

Part of me wanted to disobey him to see what my punishment would be but the other part feared the punishment would be too harsh.

I slowly got up even though I was a bit weakened but I managed.

"I want you to remove your clothes and bend over this very table."

This was about to be a fun night.

─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
Took way too long to write this but I managed may not be as good though.
And I promise I didn't rob y'all

And I wanted to thank everyone who read my book I really appreciate it and y'all motivated me to write even more so I just wanted to say thank you.

🤍Kisses and happy holidays🤍

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