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Laura's pov

1 week later

When I woke up just like the past week Marco had already left for work.

He had been leaving way earlier to avoid me I assumed.

Luca had only visited me once , and I had assumed Marco had forbidden him from visiting me anymore since the garden incident.

But that wasn't my concern.

For the past week I had been cooking up a plan to trick Marco into letting my family go.

And I remembered the whole reason we got into this marriage in the first place.

Marco needed the power from another empire to build an even bigger empire.

That family being mine and me specifically because with our marriage what's mine is his and what's his is mine .

So he can't kill me.

I frantically started searching Marco's belongings and found nothing.

The last thing I hadn't searched was his night stand.

I quickly went over to his night stand and found what I was looking for.

The weapon I was going to use to "end my life"

Of course I wasn't going to end my life , I love it way too much only to give it away.

Even though I hate it at the current moment. It's going to get better once I escape this mansion.

I was the only key to Marco hitting the jackpot.

He wouldn't let anyone touch me , he threatened me here and there but I'm smart I know he needs me .

I know he'll do anything to protect me.

I knew Marco would keep a gun in his bedroom.

That man values his protection more than anything else.

In this little revenge plot of mine I had to use a powerful weapon of course, that being a gun.

I took the bullets out of his gun and sat on the floor with it beside me.

I knew what time Marco would usually come home so I sat there until the clock hit six pm.

I forced tears out of my eyes and pointed the gun to my head as if I were to kill myself.

More and more tears ran down my face witch was exactly what I had wanted .

A few minutes passed until the door flung open.

Marco's eyes widened when he saw me , and I could see the fear in his eyes.

"Laura drop the gun!"

"No I can't." I said as I sobbed

"If you're going to kill my family I'll go with them!"

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