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Laura's pov

Four SUV's escorted us to the airport.I personally thought four SUV's was a bit much but Marco prioritizes his security more than anything.

We arrived at the airport stopping in front of one of the most beautiful private jet's I've ever seen written Marino on the side of it.

Talk about showing off.

Getting out the car some people took our luggage as I stopped to admire this beauty.

Marco stood beside me,"so this is all yours?"it wasn't really meant as a question but more of a statement.

"You like it."

"Well it's not bad but I think you did too much by writing Marino in bold." I joked.

"How else should people know it's mine."

I rolled my eyes as someone escorted us to the jet.

I followed behind Marco,he stepped in first and I followed after.

When I turned to see the interior it was decorated in black and grey accents as usual.

Although Marco's color palette was rather questionable in my opinion it really fit the aesthetic of his-well his whole image really.

I sat down on the black seat coated in a black fabric-an incredibly soft fabric.

Marco sat on the other side of the craft in front of a white table.

I got myself comfortable and ready for take off.

I looked out the window seeing the most gorgeous view of Sicily that I have ever seen.

Sicily was already glamorous but it looked even better at night time.

I admired the view for a bit longer before a flight attendant disrupted me.

"Here you go ma,am" she handed me a gray blanket with Marino written on the top right corner of it

Did Marco want everything he owned to be Marked by his initials.

I took the blanket as I snuggled into it.This flight was not going to be a long flight after all Paris is really only two hours or so long by flight.

Soon I dozed off there was no way I was not going too , I was too tired.

─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───

Three hours later and we had landed in Paris France

I felt myself in someone's arms being taken into a car I looked up to see Marco totally unaware that I had woken up.

He placed me on the seat before adjusting the seat and closing the door although someone else got into the vehicle before driving off . I dozed off again.

I was once again woken up by the blinding light of the sunshine,I looked up to see Marco shirtless opening the curtains.

I quickly pretended to go back to sleep for some reason hearing his footsteps walk across the room and into the bathroom.

I got up as soon as I heard the running of the shower.

I got out of bed placing my feet in the fluffy slippers beside the bed and walking off to the bedrooms balcony.

I looked out to see the prettiest view I've ever seen, I've only seen Paris in pictures that it felt so surreal.

Our hotel was not that far from the Eiffel tower so the view was just amazing.

I went back inside when I heard a knock on the door opening as the the maid brought in a food cart"Good morning Mrs Marino."

She was a very pretty brunette with hazel eyes and had the prettiest french accent.

"Good morning."a bright smile on my face.

"This morning's breakfast is our famous croissants and a gold iced latte as requested."so Marco ordered the breakfast.

"Thank you."I said and she left the room.

I took my breakfast and sat outside on the balcony.

Last night I was so tired I didn't even get to see the full glory of Paris heck I didn't even get to see anything at all so I was looking forward to today.

I'm guessing Marco is going to finalize the project this week so I have all this time to myself, maybe even get a pedicure.

I finished the last of my breakfast now just taking in the air and the early morning sun when Marco joined me.

His huge figure blocked my view as soon as he sat down.

"Get ready we're going to the finalize the project today."there goes my plans.

"When are we leaving?"

"Soon, now go get ready and look presentable."When did I ever not look presentable.

"Marco when are we leaving?" I asked again.

He sighed"eleven thirty."

"So why are you rushing me?"

"Laura just go get dressed."

"Ok that's fine your not going to tell me."

"Laura shower now." He irritatedly said.

"Fine but as soon as I leave that shower-your going to tell me were we're going." I said as I stood up.

Marco is like steel he is very hard to get too but if you do he's not that bad.

And even though he may be trying to hide it I think this day is going to be very eventful.

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The long awaited chapter 31.
I'm so sorry I haven't been updating,I'm currently writing exams and I really didn't have the time.

But here's an update for you guys.
Kisses 🤍

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