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Laura's pov

Marco was to announce witch orphanage he was going to be donating to this year.

I left him alone for a while before heading back to Amelia while Marco prepared himself.

For once in my life I felt like I was growing on him , I felt that maybe under all that toughness and anger lied a sweet young boy whom only needed the comfort of someone else to bring him out of his little shell.

I felt bad for him , he looks hurt he's trying to hide it but I could see it , I could see how hurt he felt as he spoke about his mother.

"So... Is everything ok with you guys now." I looked at Amelia and she instantly got her answer.

"I'm guessing not."

"Well I tried but I should probably not push it."Amelia just shot an upside down smile my way before she spoke once again.

"I just hope you'll make things right between you two." I don't know , maybe.

Everyone soon gathered around taking a seat awaiting Marco's announcement, as his "wife" I had to stand beside him in the hot blazing sun as he announced.

Marco reveled that he would be donating to an orphanage a little far from Sicily. It was the first time I actually saw how kind Marco could be, if only he was like this all the time.

The crowd cheered us on as we walked off Amelia and Luca following after us.

We all headed to the restaurant inside the country club as we all took our seats.

The waiter came over handing each of us the menu before turning to leave.

Amelia had already told me that the restaurant was well known for their seafood special so of course I had to try it. Soon after the waiter took our orders leaving us all seated in silence.

I looked over at Amelia who gave me the same look I had 'confusion' ,both of us had no clew on what to say so we kept it silent.

The rest of the lunch consisted of Marco scrolling threw his phone not paying any attention to any us and Luca , Amelia and I stirring up a good conversation for the rest of our time.

─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───

I looked out the window of the car as we rushed passed each building, Marco was a fast driver it scared me a bit but something in me told me Marco would never even allow anyone to crash his new previous little Lamborghini Huracan Evo , not even him.

Which by the way he bought last week.

I turned to face Marco once more but shifted my focus to his very veiny hands gripping onto the steering wheel , I looked over to his ring and back to mine.

I fiddled with the ring on my finger witch I had not taken off since our wedding distracting myself but nothing worked .

I looked back at Marco only to find him looking at me and quickly turning away.


"Please Marco I'm too tired for what you have to say."

Marco seemed confused at my response but shrugged it off continuing to pay attention at the road ahead.

My mind has been racing uncontrollably the past few days , I could not get around the way Marco was acting lately.

I didn't trust him not one bit, this isn't Marco , this isn't how Marco acted.

I was not going to give in , not this quickly not until I can trust him.

Luca was the only man I could ask about this , who for some reason was his best friend.

Marco stayed quiet the whole way home, Luca warned me Marco was going to be a lot moodier today, I just didn't expect him to be this moody.

By the time we got to the mansion it had already started to drizzle, after such a hot day all of a sudden it started drizzling.

Marco parked his car "stay in here." He said stepping out in the drizzling weather.

I waited in the car as he told me when he came back with a large black umbrella, Marco's signature color.

He walked over to the passenger door before opening it with the umbrella in his hand. He reached his hand out and I put my hand over his palm as he helped me out of the vehicle.

He lended me the umbrella before closing the passenger door and walking away.

I didn't question his actions but just walked into the house placing the umbrella in the umbrella stand that was situated in the foyer.

I walked by the kitchen to grab a glass of water before heading to the bedroom.

I took a nice hot shower and put on a pair of plaid shorts and a black tank top.

Marco walked in just after I had made myself comfortable in the sheets, he was holding paperwork in one hand a pen in the other.

He handed me the paperwork along with the pen to sign. I signed my signature on each open space right next to Marco's.

Without saying a word he walked out shutting the door behind him.

Why all of a sudden was he acting weird? I pushed the thought away as I awaited Isa's video call.

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Kisses 🤍

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