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Laura's pov

Arriving in Sicily once again felt amazing we've been in France for three weeks straight-although it was amazing in every way at some point we had to come back.

As I got into the large SUV the aching feeling between my legs brought me to a halt."Is everything ok Laura."Marco held my waist as he helped me inside.

"Yes-everything is fine."we left thirty minutes or so after our little one night stand so yeah it hurt a little.

I wouldn't be lying if I said he took my ability to walk.

Marco walked over to the other side of the car then got in and drove away-it was still morning when we landed in Sicily so I wasn't really that tired.

Our drive back home was silent as usual and as I preferred-quiet so I could actually think straight and question myself why I fucked Marco.

I was angry at myself for being such a slut and Isa would be so proud of me if she were hear-infact she would make it a big deal and bake a whole cake about it.

But something deep in me liked it, enjoyed it and I hated that.

Before I knew it we had arrived back at the mansion.

Marco parked the car in front of the entrance and I didn't even hesitate to open the door and leave as soon as I could.

The servants rushed to take our luggage but I was long gone by then.

I rushed up the stairs forgetting to greet Elena along the way.

I went into our bedroom and shutting myself inside,I knew Marco wouldn't come up so soon if that call made him leave France so quickly then he definitely had somewhere to be.

All I needed was to think for a sec.

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A loud knock on the door had startled me and I got up from my nap to go see who it was.

Opening the door Elena was waiting on the other end."Ma,am you have a few guests downstairs."

Rubbing my eyes one last time and refocusing my vision on Elena"who is it?"

"It's Mr Mariano and his fiance."

"Ok fine tell them I'll come down in a sec."

"Yes ma,am."

I shut the door and quickly changed out of my traveling outfit and rushed downstairs to welcome Luca and Amelia after so long.

Turning into the living room Luca and Amelia where seated on the couch with the most beautiful baby boy in their arms.

Their faces lit up when the spotted me and I couldn't help but smile.

"Welcome home Laura."Amelia first greeted."How was Paris?"Luca asked but that was the last thing on my mind right now.

"No don't you even dare, you can't bring baby boy along with you and not introduce me."I said as I took a seat at one of the couches.

"Oh how rude."Amelia said as she stood up."Laura meet Alessio."she said as she took the empty seat beside me and handed me baby Alessio.

Taking Alessio into my arms I couldn't help but notice how perfect he was,he took the genes from both his parents and combined them all in one.

He had the most gorgeous parents he could possibly have and the most loving and caring too.

Even when Amelia's stomach was still swollen with Alessio a stranger could tell how amazing Parenthood would be for them.

"And other that you meeting Alessio we have something else to tell you."although judging by her tone the news was definitely not bad news.

"We had asked Marco not to tell you up until you came back from your trip so we get the honor of telling you ourselves."I would't suspect of Marco keeping a secret from me since he always does and I'm sure there's still more lingering inside his head.

"Laura we would like that you be Alessio's Godmother."my eyes shot wide open at what just came out of her mouth.

"Luca-Amelia."I said in complete utter shock."are you guys sure-are you really making Marco and I Alessio's Godparents."

I just don't think making two people who don't even love each other and are married for the sake of their families and making them Godparents is a good idea.

"I know this is really unexpected Laura but in our world we are never safe and if anything where to happen to Luca and I-I want Alessio to be in the hands of people I trust and I trust you Laura-you and Marco no matter how much you may disagree with me."

I know this feeling and it feels like somethings off.

"Why do I feel like something is going on-Luca is everything ok."the look on their faces did not look like everything was ok.

First Marco gets an unexpected call and we leave immediately then his best friend along with his fiance show up to my house and tell me I'm a Godmother.

Something is definitely going on.

"Everything is fine if anything goes south I'll make sure to tell you."

Amelia punched my arm lightly as if she has just had a realization "And Laura how come you didn't tell me your birthday was in two days I had to find out from Luca's big mouth."I even almost forgot about my birthday.

I'd always planned that my big twenty first would be by far my best birthday ever all planned out by my mother and I.

I've always wished to celebrate it with her and my family close by.

"I really didn't have a reason to celebrate this year."

"Nonsense, I'll do the honors of planning something for you and your going to have the best birthday of your life."she seemed really excited and I didn't want to burst her bubble so I agreed- although how was she going to plan a whole party in two days.

"Don't worry I always pull through you just wait."it was like she read my mind.

We sat and talked for a little bit longer and even played around with Alessio before it got too late and they had to leave.

I went back to bed right after not expecting Marco to come back anytime soon.

They are definitely hiding something from me.

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Can't wait for Laura's birthday (⁠^⁠^⁠) and don't forget to vote.


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