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Laura's pov

The rest of the afternoon Marco was in his office and Luca left right after they where done with whatever they where doing.

I was about to go check on him when I reached the door and something crossed my mind.

I quickly ran to the closet and frantically searched for it when I found it ,I put it on and a silk robe over it.

I never got to where it since I got it.

Not that I had the perfect time to.

I peaked through the bedroom door Incase Francesco was outside but he wasn't.

He hasn't been around for a while now it was actually weird that he wasn't.

But I brushed that off and walked to Marco's office.

The sun was about to set so most of the maids where still around so I made sure to be quick.

I slowly turned the handle and walked in.

Marco was by his book shelf doing something but hadn't noticed me yet."Still working."I asked innocently

I closed the door and locked it behind me.

"Yes something came up."his back was still turned against me.

I stood on the tips of my toes as I left a trail of kisses behind his ear."Now is not the time Laura."

He turned around and walked to his desk"Really because you look like you have a lot of tension you need to relieve."

"I have a lot of work to do and I'm sure it won't do it self."

I leaned against his desk."How sad I was thinking we could have some fun but it seems as if your busy."I untied my black silk robe letting it fall and pool around my ankles.

When he turned and locked eyes on me I could see his bulge already forming beneath his pants."I can leave of course,if you're busy."

He stepped towards me and roughly griped my throat and pulled my face closer to his until our lips where only a mere atom apart.

"What the fuck am I going to do with you amor."I grinned against his lips"why don't you show me."

He spun me around so my back was pressed against his chest and his hands was still tightly wrapped around my throat."you've got to beg for it love."he whispered into my ear.

I rubbed my butt against is growing bulge making him groan."what are you doing."

"Encouraging you."

He breathed out roughly I was doing things to him,things he couldn't resident even if he tried.

"Say your mine amor,mine to take,mine to spoil,mine to fuck every inch on your body belongs to me."

I gulped"I'm yours Marco every inch on my body belongs to you."


He roughly turned me around picking me up and placing me on his desk then he unbuckled his belt followed by his pants until his cock sprung out leaking of pre-cum.

I would never get used to his length no matter how many times he's been in me.

"I hope your not attached to that lingerie."before I could process what he said I heard the fabric of my underwear ripping and his dick pressed against my clit.

"Your so fucking wet for me."he groaned as he slammed himself into me without any warning causing me to moan and really loudly too.

Like I said the house was not completely vacant so there where a few maids roaming the halls but the thought of someone hearing us only made me even more wetter.

His thrusts become rougher and it took me time to adjust to his girth he filled me with each thrust and I could barely hold myself up.

Suddenly Marco's phone rang and one look on who the caller was and he turned back to look at me"Fuck not now."he said to himself.

"Don't make a sound."he warned."this is an important call."

Was he really serious he was going to take a call whilst fucking me."while you're still inside me."I could barely get the words out.

He ignored me and picked up the call anyway placing his phone on his ear as he deepened his thrusts and continued to speak to the caller.

This was fucking unbelievable.

I could barely keep my moans at bay it's like he was fucking me harder then he was when he answered the damn call.

He muted the phone and placed it on the desk"I thought you would be way better at following orders but it seems my little slut will never change."

He pulled out at turned me over so I was bent over the table and placed his hand over my mouth."didn't I tell you not to make a sound."he slammed himself inside of me and proceeded to unmute the call.

I felt my knees go weak and my orgasm was building up with every second I was trying to keep it in.

"We'll talk next week."he dropped the call and tossed his phone on the table unable to hold my self back I let my orgasm rip through me as Marco's name slipped out of my lips after Marco removed his hand off my mouth and continued to thrust into me until he found his own orgasm.

"We'll have to give that another try until you get it right."

This man was insane.

"I fucked you so hard you forget words exist ha amor."he lifted me up and placed my robe over me.

After our little session we both took a shower and maybe another round before resting for the rest of the knight.

─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
Why do I like this chapter so much and hate it at the same time.


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