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Back to square one

Laura's pov

1 month later

A month after everything happened Marco had forbidden me from leaving the mansion and Amelia could not visit me anymore.

I didn't have any communication with the outside world since he crushed my phone into pieces.

I spent most of my time in the bedroom or in the green house.

I stopped going to my tennis practice witch was one thing I had that kept me busy.

It was like we were back to square one.

Marco also had not left the mansion,since then he worked from home spending most of his time in his office.

I watched him get out the closet dressed in grey sweats and a black t-shirt leaving the bedroom.

I got up shortly after he left getting ready myself and putting on something comfortable.

Even though I had no where to be I still kept myself put together.

I liked to feel good, I would even sometimes do my makeup and get dressed for no reason.

I left the bedroom as I went down for breakfast, Francesco following behind me as I did so.

Francesco never left my side in the past month and Marco even got me a new bodyguard that would come in as soon as Francesco clocked off.

I went into the kitchen taking a seat on the bar stool right in front of the kitchen island beside Marco.

He was on his laptop doing some work I assumed.

Elena gave me my plate of breakfast and a glass of orange juice.

I took a sip of the orange juice sneaking glances at Marco.

"Say it."

"What?"I asked as I took a bite of my toast.

"You keep looking at me.So say it."

"I've nothing to say to you."

"I wasn't born yesterday Laura, you obviously have something to say."I did you dumb ass,you literally cut off all communication I had with the outside world.

"I want to go back to the country club."

"No." He refused harshly.

"No?... Marco you've kept me in this cell disguised as a home for a month now ,Luca and Amelia don't even visit me anymore."I was fuming with rage as I spoke.

He controlled every aspect of my life ever since I stepped into the tall iron gates into this very mansion.

"I don't care, your going to stay in the safety of this house for as long as I want you to."

"Extra security."I suggested.


"You can bring extra security to protect me whenever I leave the mansion." Even though I gave him a suggestion, it's Marco where talking about.

He's the biggest jerk I've ever met he probably won't even agree.

"I'll see." He got up taking his laptop and his cup of coffee into the living room.

I really hope he does consider it ,I really miss my tennis practice's with Amelia.

I finished my breakfast then went to change into my swimwear and crabbing a towel and a magazine and went over to the pool I've surprisingly never used.

I swam for a while letting the sun hit my glass skin as my arms paddled in the water.

Swimming is not my strong suit but I can say I'm pretty good at it.

Marco appeared holding a small white box before he sat on one of the pool loungers.

Placing the white box beside him as he watched me swim never taking his eyes off of me.

After a while I figured I should join him maybe even find out what he's here for.

I laid beside him"Hi."

Marco cleared his throat before he spoke"I got you a new phone and Francesco will take you to your tennis practice tomorrow."

"What you got me a new phone."I excitedly said. I grabbed the white box beside him opening it to find a gorgeous silver phone."Thank you."

I got up to hug him forgetting Marco is not a very affectionate person."Sorry about that."

Right then Luca walked thew the tall glass sliding door with his arms wide open and I went over to hug him.

"Oh my god Luca I missed you so much."

"I missed you too sunshine."

I let go of him taking my seat back on the lounge chair and Luca joining us.

Luca stayed quiet looking at me then at Marco intensely."What?"

"Nothing it's just that I haven't heard of you guys trying to rip each other's throats in a while."

I shrugged looking over to Marco and quickly turned away when I found him staring at me.

I turned my gaze the the ground out of embarrassment.

"Oh god when are you guys ever going to get along, it's been mouths."

Luca looked so confused"have you guys been even talking, don't tell me... No you did not.

"Did what."

"Did y'all have sex."He whispered as if the whole world was listening to our conversation

"Luca stop."Marco warned.

Luca raised his hand in the air defensively "I was just asking."

I could feel Marco's eyes roll next to me as he stood up to leave.

"In all seriousness you guys are married and haven't went on a date yet , you may kill me for this but I booked you guys dinner reservations at Trattoria De Lusso."

"Marco isn't really the date type."

"Come on sunshine do it for me at least."

I rolled my eyes "Fine, but only because I've been in this big mansion for so long."

"That's my girl." He stood up."Have fun on your date maybe even get laid."he joked.

"Bye Luca."

A date with Marco, this will be interesting.

─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
Uhh finally got here.

Kisses 🤍

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