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Letting my guard down

Laura's pov

Hope your having fun in Sicily this is just a little gift for my favorite wife.

XOXO Isabella

I sat on the bed reading the note that had come with Isa's gift.

I loved Isa but this has to be one of her kinks.

I got out of bed and headed downstairs to the kitchen.

Elena was cooking up breakfast as usual "Morning Elena" I said giving her a cheerful smile.

"Morning Ma,am ,Mr Marino wants to see you in his office." I was caught off guard, Marco wanted to see me , was it urgent?

There's only one way to find out.

"Thank you Elena." I said as I turned around heading back upstairs.

I've never been in Marco's office before.

Why did he want me at his office though.

I stood in front of his office door taking a deep breath before knocking.

"Come in." A deep voice from the other end of the door spoke.

I turned the door knob as I entered his office. It was very minimal in decorations but still looked very lux , there was a huge window behind his desk and each side of the office was lined in book wooden shelves.

I sat down across from Marco "I was told you were looking for me."

Marco had a serious look on his face as soon as he spoke "Yes I have something important I have to tell you."

I was nervous at what he had to say , was he going to divorce me , is my family ok, a lot of scenarios ran through my head.

"What is it Marco, is there something wrong?"

"No , but there's something I've been meaning to tell you and I need your full attention."

My heart felt like it would drop to my stomach.

Say it already!

"Laura when we got married part of my deal with your family meant you owning half of The Marino Hotel franchise."

I stood still absolutely speechless, why was he telling me this just now , it's been over two months since we got married and he's just telling me this now.

"Laura I need you to co-operate with me , I know we don't have the best relationship but we have a big project coming up and I need your signature on some of the paperwork."

"Marco you can't just tell me I own half of your business and expect me to sign some paperwork and forget about it."I leaned forward on my chair as I scolded Marco.

"Look Laura I didn't call you into my office to negotiate with you, all I need is your signature."

"No!" I refused


"I said no or do you want me to spell it out for you." I stood up from my chair ready to storm out of the office when Marco stopped me.

"Your not going anywhere until you sign those papers." He said as he stood between the door and I.

"Is that a threat Mr Marino." I said calmly as I crossed my arms slowly walking towards him.

"I'm not signing those papers until you learn to respect me." My face inches away from his as I spoke.

He gripped my neck pulling my face closer to his, typical ."Respect needs to be earned Mrs Marino ." He whispered.

His words sent shivers down my spine , my heart started racing at how close he was to me.

I looked into his deep brown eyes bitting my lip nervously .

His body pressing against mine and I could feel his front against my stomach.

He leaned in even closer and I could practically hear my heart beating.

My eyes traveled from his down to his soft and plump lips without even thinking I had pressed my lips onto his, he grabbed my waist pulling me even closer to him.

I wrapped my hands around his neck and he pulled me in even tighter .

He grabbed my thighs pulling me off the ground my legs wrapping around his waist.

I had already forgotten what I was hear for at this point.

He sat me onto his desk his lips never leaving mine.

Wait! What am I doing!

"Marco."I said my lips still against his.

"Marco stop."I pulled away looking everywhere but at him.

"I'm not doing this especially with you."

I stood up from his desk headed for the door before I stopped in my tracks"Oh and Marco , I'm not going to sign those papers." I said lifting my middle finger up high enough so he could see it .

As soon as I closed the door behind me I felt like I could finally breath. What the fuck just happened.

Of all people Marco as in Marco the man I so despise, the same man who tried to choke me to death, how could I do that, how could i let my guard down so fast.

I put my phone down on the night stand before grabbing my book and headed to the green house before anyone could see me.

Marco gave Francesco a few days off for some reason so no one saw me leave the bedroom.

I sat down on the bench in the middle of the garden reading my book but not even the garden could make me forget about that kiss.

It was amazing in all the right ways , how soft his lips felt, how he picked me up , his hand placement ,how good it felt but it was with the wrong person.

How could I do that to myself, I hated myself for kissing the man I so hated , how could I do that.

All the thoughts mixed with the reading burnt me out so I decided to lie down on the bench for a quick nap away from the busyness in the house.

─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
Another lazy chapter
I like the concept of the chapter I
Just don't like how I wrote it.

Anyways, kisses 🤍

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