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The ball:Part 2

Marco's pov

Torricelli took me into his office as he sat down behind his desk.I swear I could hear a bone crack as he sat down.

"Mr Marino you wanted to talk to me is that correct."he spoke in a dark husky voice.

"Yes,I wanted to propose an alliance I don't want to jump into things quickly of course but I have something you need and you have something I want we work together and we both get those things."he quirked a brow in interest.

"And why should I do that?"he asked.

"Well if you don't I will be more than happy to expose your entire business causing the authorities to be at your ass and your suppliers to turn on you-now you wouldn't want that now do you."I said absolutely unbothered.

Even though everyone in this business is running it illegally,you have to know how to cover up your tracks although Torricelli hasn't been doing as well.

His team is way careless then they think, Matteo managed to dig up more than enough information to blackmail him or bring him down.His choice of course.

"I wouldn't actually it would be very devastating,but you proposed you have things I need and what is that."

I run a gun supplying business for any of my allis who I supply with hefty amounts of weapons some are even illegal in Europe I being the only one who could supply them with weapons.

It turns out Torricelli lost his supplier and soon will run out of his supply of weapons if he refuses to work with me I'll make sure he will not get any supplier at all.

"Guns-you have no supplier,he's dead I killed him and everyone connected to him I'm your last option,I'm the only person in Italy who brings in Gun supply."

"You what?"

"Oh you want me to repeat myself,I.Killed Your.Supplier."maybe his hearing aid wasn't working.

"Your playing with fire Marino."

"Maybe I am but every fire can be put out."I smirked as I leaned back on my chair.

He let out a deep husky chuckle"If two can play it that game."he gestured to one of his men"Bring her in."

Laura was held by two men and a tight rope was wrapped around her wrist so tightly her pale skin was turning blood red.

Ok I'm done playing nice. Nobody touches my wife.

You bring my wife into our mess you better pray that God is on your side.

I know I said Torricelli can't be killed but I don't mind putting a bullet straight into his skull right now.

"Marco."she screamed yet it was faint.

She was in pain,what the fuck was I thinking bringing her along and where the fuck where the fifty men I brought to specifically protect her.

"Now where were we ahh Gun supplier since you offered I may kindly accept your offer."Ok time for plan B

Even though I didn't want to use plan B I would fucking sacrifice myself for her.

Plan B: Kill Torricelli,become allies with his allies and take over his fucking business.

Sounds pretty easy.

I'm not stupid enough not to have people in here disguised as guests, Think smart not hard.

"Let her go."I remained calm,I wasn't scared if anything he should be scared of me.

I didn't fear him,he was a seventy year old man although he held power he had weaknesses.

His family not included since they where all killed if he died it would be the last of his generation,he feared that more than anything.

"Actually I have a proposal for you- supply me with weapons and I'll let your precious little girl go."it took everything in me not to pull my gun at him.

Laura was in tears, bruised they hurt her,that was the wrong move.

"Im afraid that won't work."one of my men brought me a file containing each and every single detail on Torricelli,his business,his personal life,bank transactions everything."I said let her go."

I tossed the file at him and gave him a moment to go through it and that expression -the same expression that made me smile.

He was scared it was all spread across his face."Kill her."in a brief moment Laura was dragged out and multiple guns where pointed to me.

Yet I didn't move an inch.

"Like what you see."I commented.

"It's pointless if your going to be dead in less than a minute."

"You have too much pride on yourself."

The same men that pointed their guns at me where pointing them at him, Nothing a few bags of cash couldn't solve.

"What are you doing,your supposed to be pointing the guns at him not me,I'm your boss and I order you to."he said in fear.

"Well it turns out underpaying and threatening your employees in not a good move."I stood up from my seat as I fixed my suit jacket.

Before I could leave the sound of a pistol went off and a sharp pain was brought to the back of my thigh.

He fucking shot me.

Loud screams came from outside the office and the sound of people's footsteps where rushing through the hallways.

I pulled out my gun and pointed it to where his heart was and pulled the trigger.

His body fell to the ground instantly and blood pooled around him.

What a fucker.

"Leave and never show your faces again."I said to the men as they rushed out the office,I fell to the ground as the pain that was coming from my open wound seared through me.


Where the fuck is she,Fuck, fuck,fuck.

I stood up ignoring the pain coming from my thigh as I looked around for her.Fuck!

Her panic attacks,gun shots triggers them.

I rushed to one of the men that had Laura "where the fuck is she!"

"She Left with Luca to the hospital."

I let out a sigh of relief,I knew I fucking loved him.

I went straight to my car as I rushed to the hospital.

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