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Baby steps

Marco's pov

I still stood in shock as she left the room sticking her middle finger out in the air.

I don't know if Laura thought this was a joke but it's not . I couldn't care less about that stupid kiss , my mind was fixated on my business at the moment.

I need her signature, if not I can't proceed with the project in France.

Luca! I need to call Luca.

I grabbed my phone off the table dialed Luca's numbers as I placed the phone on my ear.

After three rings Luca answered the phone breathing heavily as if he had just been running."What"

"I need you to be at the office, it's urgent."I said grabbing the files off the table and walking towards the door.

I stopped by my bedroom to change into something more suitable than sweats and a t-shirt, I noticed Laura wasn't there but figured she probably was in the upstairs living area.

Heading downstairs I grabbed the cup of coffee off the kitchen counter before heading out.

─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───

As I arrived at the office it seemed as if Luca had beat me to it , his car was already parked outside when I arrived.

Luca was standing by the doorway of my office waiting impatiently for me to arrive.

Couldn't he just relax, I mean dealing with Laura is not that easy , I've never met someone so hard to headed, most people don't even hesitate to take an order from me.

Passing by Luca and entering my office I could see that Luca could tell something was off.

Luca followed behind me shutting the door as he entered the office."I'm guessing she didn't sign the papers." Luca stated taking a seat across from me.

"Luca I need her signature is there anyway you could convince her otherwise." Desperation in my voice as I spoke.

Luca was the only person who could convince Laura. Laura trusted Luca more than she trusted me , if anyone could convince her it would be him.

"If you couldn't convince her what make you think I will."

"She trusts you ." Luca still looked hesitant at my request.

"I don't know Marco , it's very hard to get around Laura and you know that."I switched my gaze from Luca and onto the paperwork in front of me.

Oh God.

Laura Marino!

My hand ran threw my hair thinking of another alternative to the situation but nothing. Nothing at all came up.

"Do something , talk to her , hug her , I don't know what you guys do and I don't care as long as she agrees to sign those papers."

"I'll see what I can do but in the mean time."Luca leand forward placing the file he had been holding in front of me.

"Here's more information on Angelo's men, we managed to find one of them, he's back at the warehouse, I'll update you as soon as we get something out of him."

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