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Marco Marino

Laura's pov

1 month later

Things have been going pretty well for the past month and Marco and are the happiest we've ever been together.

And the sex-well it's also been amazing,But even after a month nobody and I mean nobody knows Marco and I made up not even Luca.

So we were all meeting up for a brunch just to catch up after all its been a while.

Though Marco was running late again-something is up,Marco is hiding something from me I know he is.

He's been here but far away from reality lately and whatever it is I will find out.

Luca called marco one last time to see if he'll pick up but nothing,"Maybe he's probably held up at work."

"Yeah there's been a lot of work load he has to deal with."but why didn't he tell me he was stressing about work.

"Well I've managed to clear some off my table but I'm here aren't I."Marco's voice spoke from behind me,I turned around to only see his tall figure hovering over me and his deep scent taking me in.

He gave me a small peck on the lips before he took a seat."Wait hold on am I missing something."Luca said in shok.

"What?Am I not meant to kiss my wife."Luca turned to face me the shocking expression never leaving his face."In my twenty eight years of living I've never seen Marco kiss a woman in front of people before so yes I'm bit shocked."

"Spill the beans."Amelia spoke up.

Marco placed his hand on my thigh and gently rubbing his thumb on my thigh."We're like together together now."Luca's eyes shot wide open "Marco you too?"


"When was this?"

"Well it started last month."Amelia gave me a 'atta girl' look before turning her attention to Luca.

"You go on a vacation for a while and your best friend and his wife who hate each other decide to fuck,what else am I missing?"although he was right I kind of felt offended.

I sighed"shut up Luca."

"So you did fuck."I rolled my eyes,there was no going around this,he's not going to shut up about it.

Luca and Amelia went on their first vacation out the country with Alessio to Rome throughout the brunch they could not shut up about how amazing it was.

It was so nice seeing them again and how wonderful they are at being parents.

After our small little brunch everyone went home including Marco and I.

When we got home I went into the green house after so long and forgot how amazing it used to feel being in here.

Although the past month has been good in its own way it's also been shit in other ways.

My birthday was over a month ago and I still could not shake the thought away.

My mother died for my family and sacrificed herself to protect me in her own sick way.

I had to process all of that in and honestly it's been a lot.

"The ring."I turned around to see Marco by the door.

"What?"I said in confusion.

"Remember when you asked me if your wedding ring is the same ring your mother had-it is."

"And you waited a year and a half to tell me that."I knew the first time I laid my eyes on the ring I just needed him to admit it.

But it would be fun to make him feel guilty."You lied to me."I made sure to throw the extra dramatics in.

He sighed"You knew."he said as he stepped towards me.

"Well judging by the fact that I saw that ring on my mother's hand for years didn't take long for me to notice."I wrapped my arms around his neck as he placed his around my waist.

"When she made the deal with my father she wanted you to take her ring as it was her initial plan in the first place that she gives your future husband-me" he said as he pointed to himself then giving me a wink.

"That ring according to her words meant a lot to her and she wanted you to have it."

I never thought that much about the ring I didn't even know it meant so much to my mother.

"And-I prefer it on your finger instead."he leaned in and pressed his lips against mine.

Kissing him felt like-like being a kid and eating that first bite of chocolate and knowing you won't experience it for the first time again.

As soon as I took my first bite of chocolate I knew I will never do it for the first time again,but somehow kissing him felt like I was was kissing him for the first time all over again and I loved it each time.

I loved him.

If someone would have told me a year ago I would fall for a ruthless twenty eight year old Mafia boss I was arranged to get married to i would have laughed so hard in their face.

Marco picked me up bridal style and walked upstairs to our bedroom throwing me onto the bed."Don't even start."

"I just want to have some fun with me wife."

"I'm on my period remember."although I don't think he cares at all.

"Didn't you know sex relieves cramps."

"I don't care how horny you are..."I got off the bed headed towards the shower."I'm going to take a shower.

─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
I genuinely have no excuse to why I posted this late but I delivered it.
Honestly I've been in a state of writers block and genuinely my creativity was drained.

But on the bright side we are almost done with this book and I'm working on the second book of the Desire series.

Basically I decided to make it a series and it will be about all three children of the Capone family aka Matteo,Laura and Lorenzo.

Next book will be about Matteo and that's all the information I have for you guys.


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