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Laura's pov

Marco came back holding a cup of coffee as he sat down beside me.

It was pouring rain outside so when we got back to the hotel we had decided to watch a movie.

I was all cuddled up in a blanket in front of a big flat screen Tv watching Ratatouille for the hundredth time already.

Thank God for the AC and heated floors or else I would've had frost bite right now.

It was roughly 8pm while we were watching the movie.

I was slowly dozing off with each second that passed meaning the coffee wasn't really helping.

Marco noticed and pulled me closer to him making me lie on his shoulder."Are you comfortable."He asked as softly as he could.

"Yeah."I felt so safe and comfortable near him.

"Marco what did you mean by that's why you married me."I was practically half asleep and half of what I was saying I didn't think of.

"Your perfect Laura who would't."he softly spoke.

By then I had already fallen asleep.

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Marco's pov

I watched her as she lied in my arms.Her breathing was sturdy,I didn't want to move an inch I didn't want to wake her, she must've had a very tiering day.

The orphanage was a place I've been wanting to take her but never found a way to do so.

She seemed very happy around those children and they all loved her,they could't get enough of her it made me jealous.

She didn't hide it she loved kids and that was just perfect,she is going to be a great mother.

Well if she does agree to be one.Another reason I took her to the orphanage was to open her mind about having kids and see how she was like around them.

Of course I wouldn't do anything to her body without her consent it's her choice if she wants to bare children or not and I will respect whatever her decision may be.

Looking at her being happy only made me satisfied,I don't want her to be trapped around me.

I want her to feel safe...



I made one promise to her family and I will fulfill my promise.

The day I went to Sicily Luca had called me urgently a few hours prior to Amelia giving birth.

The words kept repeating in my head"He doesn't deserve you!"he didn't and that was something I could not deny.

Nobody deserved me,not even her.

And I knew Laura would have wanted me to be there so I did, I stood for hours beside Luca in the delivery room as Amelia fought to push a whole human out of her.

I didn't feel comfortable or even want to be there but I had to,for Luca.

Alessio was born an hour after I had arrived.

I was scared to hold his fragile frame I wasn't used to holding infant's.

I had told Luca to tell Laura after I had left and flew back to Paris.

Coming back to her made me happy.

I've been getting urges from her a feeling I thought I would never have for her.

A feeling I didn't want to have for her.

Her presence in a room gave me a feeling of warmth.

I kept getting a weird feeling in my lower abdomen whenever she laughed,smiled or even touch me and fuck I hated to love it.

I dreaded hurting her ,I hated myself for hurting her,I wasn't supposed to but I did.

Seeing her in her most fragile state was something I wasn't supposed to do to her,I'm the reason she got her panic attacks again,I'm the reason she fell in a state of depression.

I blame myself for everything.

I didn't want to hurt her not anymore.

Luca was closer to my wife then I was and I had to change that.

I am willing to change myself for her.

I'll do anything for her.

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Very short but yay

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