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Heaven sent

Marco's pov

Laura bent over the glass table with her perfectly round ass bared for me,ready for me to take and fuck.

I walked over to her side taking in her curvy frame,every inch of her body belonged to me,as soon as she left Calabria she was mine.

Mine to take,mine to spoil,mine to punish and mine to ruin.Everything she had belonged to me, every pain she felt reflected on me.

The pain she felt when she set foot in this house I felt,I was not one to have emotion but something about her was different.I tried pushing her away even if it hurt her but I just couldn't,I couldn't do it anymore.

Her swollen cunt was drenched seeping of her juices and lust filled her eyes,she wanted more and more was what I was going to give her.

"Look at you submitting to me like the good little slut you are."She arched her back unable to stay still she is too impatient but in order to get good things she'll have to wait.

"You can't wait can you,you want my cock deep inside you and my seed filling every nook and cranny in that sweet little cunt of yours."She slowly nodded her head"mhhm"

"Use your words amor."my cock was fighting to pop out of my pants already but I myself had to be patient she wasn't the only one who wanted pleasure.

I stood behind her pressing my rock-hard erection on her ass so she could feel what she's was doing to me I learned over to her neck leaving soft and gentle kisses "Do you feel that."the kisses trailed up behind her ear."That's what you do to me."I whispered into her ear.

A small whimper left her lips as she was unable to clearly get the words out"Yes."she breathed.

I could barely keep myself contained, all I wanted to do right now was to fuck the living brains out of her she wouldn't be able to walk for weeks.

"That's my good little girl."I took a few steps back far enough to devour her with only my eyes."spread your legs wider for me."she didn't even hesitate and obeyed me instantly.

God she'll be the death of me

Now her pussy was in full view ready to take me,I slowly unzipped my pants and teased her a little before slamming into her making her yelp.

"Fuck you feel so tight."I thrusted hard into with every thrust getting deeper and harder,the song of our flesh repeatedly slamming into each other and her harsh moans filled the room.

I slowed down my pace getting steadier,I didn't want her to come so soon our knight was just getting started.

Laura doesn't know how long I have longed for this moment,I was gentle with her in Paris it took everything in me not to loose it but it was Laura,she is unpredictable.

Her pussy clenched around me and slowly but gradually I quickened my pace she was weak beneath my touch-i pulled out turned her around picked her up and placed her on the table."I want to see that pretty face of yours when you take my cock."

I parted her legs and slipped my already hard in her and another whimper left her lips as she let her head fall back,I slammed into her hard and fast she could,she couldn't take it"please Marco-"she breathed.

"It's too much."She said as she laid flat on that table.I loved seeing her like this I loved seeing her give herself to me,She gave every inch of her to me and I loved every bit.

"Then come mi amor come for me."she trembled as soon as I said that her body shaking with satisfaction and mine followed soon after a loud groan leaving me as she milked every drop out of me.

"Round two."


After many orgasms I took her to bed,she tried to go up by herself but could barely get two steps in so I picked her up and took her to our bedroom.

I placed her in the strawberry scented bathtub so she could relax for a while before I put her to bed.

After our night she was definitely warned out,after her bath I wrapped her in a towel and took her to bed she was already very tired so it didn't take long for her to crash.

I waited a while before I needed to get some things done,if I could I would't want to leave her side but duty calls.

I kissed her forehead before I headed to my office,an important call was awaiting me,my war with Angelo was not over he may be dead but his allies aren't and their pissed.

All I had to do was to make them work with me,I knew it may be a bit hard so blackmail will do the trick and I knew exactly who to contact for this exact situation.

If I got blackmail worthy information on his allies I could get them to work for me making me one of the biggest mafias in Europe.

With good connections I could get all of that and luckily I do.

I picked up the phone and dialed a number I never thought I'd need after my wedding.

On the second ring he picked up."Marco what do I owe this pleasure."

"Hello Matteo."

─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
I wrote it bad I know


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