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Happy birthday mi amor

Laura's pov

I stared at the pile of dresses lined up on top of the closet island one red on navy blue and one black but I think we all know witch one I'm picking.

I slid on the short black dress and my heels and went over to my vanity to do my hair and makeup and as usual I did some beach waves and a light makeup look.

Everyone was waiting for me downstairs but I don't mind being fashionably late it's my birthday after all.

A birthday I didn't want to celebrate.

I turned to face the full length mirror and it's only now I had realized how much I've changed even the way I dress has changed-well that was something I expected.

Marco will definitely disapprove and I would like to see the look on his face when he does see me in this dress.

Amelia decided on one of the most expensive restaurants in Italy-yes Italy, and apparently getting a reservation is very hard since it's always full but reserving the whole entire restaurant had to be impossible.

How she got that reservation will still be remain a mystery to me.

After I got ready I went to Isa's room to check if she was done.

She had a long simple champagne dress on when she stepped out."I didn't know it was a sexy birthday party."I rolled my eyes "shut up "

After Isa and I got dressed we headed downstairs hoping Marco would be there I wanted to introduce the two because the last thing I want is Marco finding a random person in his house.

As we entered the kitchen Marco was on a call while Luca and Amelia where waiting for us to come down."finally you girls are done."Luca commented.

I rolled my eyes but as soon as Marco's eyes landed on me-well my dress I knew that disapproving look on his face.

He put his phone away without even giving a damn about the person on the line"Laura your not wearing that."

"But I am and there's nothing you can do about it."I knew I was playing with fire but I was having fun.

I looked over at Isa and almost forgot to introduce her."And Marco meet Isabella."but he only ignored me and picked up his phone as he walked off.

"Dick head."Isa mumbled and I chuckled nudging her shoulder.

"Ok I think we have to leave now and Laura I love your dress."

─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───

Half of the restaurant was filled with people I didn't even know roaming around talking to each other.

Occasionally they would try to make a conversation with me but I would end it at happy birthday part.

I'm antisocial.

This is not how I envisioned my twenty first birthday to be like.

I snuck over to steal Isa from one of the guests"do you want to get some fresh air."I whispered to her.

"Please."she said in relief.

We managed to get out without anyone noticing us leaving after all we were just going to take a short walk in the parking lot.

It was a bit cooler than I had imagined it to be but we still continued to roam around the parking lot.

"So like is Marco like going to kill me."

"What no well I don't think so."

Isa chuckled and stopped then turned to face me as she held my shoulders in a tight grip and im sure she was staring right into my soul.

"Do you love him."

I shook my head"What no why would you say that.

"Your nervous."Isa could read me like a God damn book and I hated that

"No I'm not."I denied.

She loosened her grip on my shoulders the letting her arm drop."Then why don't I believe you."

"I don't know."I shrugged.

"Laura you've lied so much instead of getting good at it your getting bad and I'm your best friend you can tell me the truth."I loved Isa but I was scared to tell her the truth-the same truth I was running from.

"Don't even dare lie to me."

"I don't know what to tell you and I don't know if I even feel anything."

"Yes you do and he does too,I've seen the way he looks at you."

"There's nothing going on okay."

"Okay."a group of men startled us as a bunch of SUV's were passing by us I looked over to see who the men where when my eyes met Marco's, my heart started racing and I felt that feeling in my stomach again.

FUCK!!I'm in love with Marco Marino.

And how dare he leave his own wife's party of all the times he can bail on me but my birthday!

I felt hurt and betrayed"Isa do you mind staying here with Amelia I gotta go."

"What is anything wrong."

"No I just forgot to do something but I'll see you at the house."

I darted off before she could say anything and practically begged for Francesco to take me home.

When I got home Marco was still not there and I felt like dropping to the ground with the overbearing feeling of emotions circuiting threw me.

Love.Hatred.Disapoitment.Anger,all of it!

A part of me hoped to find him here so he could explain everything that happened in the past months and another part of me wanted him to never even set foot in my direction ever again.

After a long night I decided all I just needed was rest so I went into our bedroom for a quick nap.

Taking off my heels I threw myself on the bed not even bothering to take my dress off and a few minutes later I was gone.

I woke up to the someone trying to interrupt me from my hour long nap.

"Wake up I have something to show you."he spoke softly.

"What do you have to show me in the middle of the night."

"Your birthday present."

─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
Any guesses on the surprise


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