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Laura's pov

"Promise me you'll be a good girl, listen to your father ok princesa " she cupped my face in her hands as she spoke and I could see the worry in in her eyes "Laura you have to promise."

Tears dripped down onto my cheeks as I looked into my mother's eyes "I promise mommy."

She pulled me into a hug but this time it felt different as if she were telling me goodbye, I don't want her to leave ,I want her to stay.

Her hugs were always long but never this long , she pulled out of the hug and kissing my cheek my face still in her hands.

Hurt filled my mother's eyes before she turned around walking out of that front door.

"Mommy!... Mommy!"

"Laura... Laura." A voice called out.

I slowly opened my eyes seeing Luca towering over me with a glass of some type of green juice in his hand.

Luca hadn't visited me in a while, I had assumed he had been busy so it didn't bother me , after all I had Amelia.

"Sunshine how long are you going to be asleep."

I looked at him once more before fully getting up, I sat upright on the bed rubbing both my eyes before looking at the concoction he had in his hands.

"What exactly is that?"

He looked at the juice smiling before handing it to me."Elena made it and Marco told me to give it to you."

I don't know why but Marco has been a little more "friendlier" lately, I wasn't complaining I mean I liked this part of him it's just that it was weird seeing him act like this.

"I promise it's not as bad as it looks plus you'll need the energy for today." I took the glass of green juice still not trusting Luca.

"What's happening today?" I asked taking a sip of the mysterious green juice, and he was right it actually tasted really good almost like strawberry.

"There's a fundraiser were going to be doing at the country club, we do it every year and the money we make from it we donate to charities." I gave Luca an impressed smile taking another sip of the green juice.

"What kind of charities?"

"Marco hasn't told me yet , he usually keeps it a secret until he announces it after the tournament,but every year he donates to different kinds of orphanages."

I really never saw Marco as the type to give to charity so this came as a surprise to me.

I finished up the green juice placing it on the night stand before turning back to face Luca.

"Your outfit has already been picked out I put it on the island in your closet,Marco and I will be waiting for you downstairs." He grabbed the glass off my night stand before leaving.

I sighed, absolutely not prepared for this day.

─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───

Marco stood under the tall white umbrella with the the country club's logo over top of it.

I was sitting with Amelia under another umbrella as we viewed the golf tournament. Luca walked over to us holding two soda cans for Amelia and I.

"Hey ladies." He said leaning in to kiss Amelia then handing both of us our soda cans."Thank you." I thanked him.

Looking at Amelia and Luca always made me feel left out , I loved the love they had and I wished I had same. The way Luca looked into Amelia's eyes if that were me I would be a puddle on the floor.

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