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The party: Part two

Laura's pov

"Marco what are you doing!"

"I said don't talk to anyone other than Amelia, why are you talking to her!"

"Marco stop acting stupid everyone is looking at us."

He turned to face Sofia completely ignoring me.

"Get away from me and my wife, I don't want you near her."

"It looks like some things never change, if anyone has to get away from you it should be you Laura, right Laura?" She said as she turned to face me.

"What is She talking about Marco?"

"Oh , you didn't tell her well let me introduce myself properly, I'm Sofia Marco's ex girlfriend."

Ex girlfriend!

"Laura get away from him he's no good for you , he's only going to ruin your life! run away while you still have a chance."

"Sofia stop!"Marco shouted

"I'm warning you Laura get away from him!" She repeated.

"Marco what's going on , can you explain?"

"Laura I'm warning you he's no good."

" I'm not going anywhere Sofia! he's my husband so can you please shut up!" I snapped at her.

"Wonder why he wasn't home the week before your wedding, he was with me , in my bed!"

I looked at Marco with tears trying to force their way out.

"Marco is this true?"

"Sofia stop!" Marco demanded.

The whole situation was too much for me, all eyes where on us , so I turned around and started running , Luca tried to stop me but instead I tripped on my own dress .

Luca tried helping me up but I didn't want anyone near me so I stood up and headed towards the elevator pressing the buttons as fast as I could until the doors opened.

I hoped in before Marco and Luca could follow me and I could see Sofia's wide smirk on her face.

Marco and Luca could not catch up to me but Amelia could, she got into the elevator as quickly as she could, giving me a warm hug before the doors closed.

I started sobbing on her shoulder before I could process what she was doing.

She reminded me of Isa witch made me miss her even more , why did Marco have to take my phone I need her emotional support so bad right now.

Amelia and I stepped out of the elevator to get some fresh air and she handed me a napkin to wipe me tears off.

By that time I had already calmed down and could probably stand up on my own she refused to let go of me ,she was still by my side holding onto my shoulder.

"Why are you doing this?"I asked her

"Honey I know we just met but it doesn't give you a reason for you to cry alone .I'm here for you if you need me."

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