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Give her a chance

Marco's pov

I woke up to Laura's hand on my face again! I mean how many times has she done this the other day her leg was over mine.

She was a very deep and peaceful sleeper I mean the women could sleep through a tornado.

I knocked over a vase last week and she didn't even flinch.

She looked cute when she was sleeping if only she wasn't so annoying I would have fucked her a long time ago.

I stepped out of bed to take a shower in the bathroom. Soon after finishing I headed to the closet and picked out a black shirt with black trousers and a black blazer , I like to keep my outfits simple.

I grabbed my phone and keys off my night stand and headed out.

Francesco had already been waiting outside with my coffee.

I grabbed the coffee and headed straight to the kitchen.

"Good morning sir." Elena greeted.

"Morning Elena." I greeted back as I took a sip of my coffee.

I smelt the drawing aroma of crisp bacon and waffles from the stove.

Elena has always been a person I could trust when it came to food . My mother had taught her how to cook some of my favorite dishes when she had first arrived to work for us . She soon became my favorite person ever since, if I could trust anyone it would be Elena.

"Will you be joining us breakfast ?"

"Unfortunately not , but make sure Laura does."

"Always sir."She gave me a warm smile and proceeded to to chop up the strawberries.

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"Again!"I shouted"how many crates are missing this time!"

"Only two sir." Gabriel replied .

"Do you know who they are." I asked as anger ran through me.

"No sir but we suspect it's one of our worker's, the storage unit did not show any signs of forged entry."

"Well find them and bring them to me ." I slammed my hand to the table in frustration.

These men who have been stealing my cargo will pay.

Last time someone stole from me , I chopped both their hands off so they could never steal from me again.

They don't know who I am . Who do they think they are stealing thousands worth of precious cargo from me.

Luca walked in interrupting my thoughts with a huge smile spread across his face.

"Why are you smiling so much, you look scary." His smile immediately dropped at my comment.

"You see that smile on my face Marco it's called excitement , we found one of Angelo's men snooping around he is being interigated ."

"You better get some good information out of him I don't have time for this."

I stood up with the intention of heading to my car when Luca interrupted me before I could even leave the office.

"Marco go easy on her ." Luca grabbed my arm and I turned around to face him.

He had a consurned look on his face , I know who he is talking about but I still ask.

"Who are you talking about?"

"Marco , Laura is having it tough and you are making it even harder for her. You can't keep her locked up in that room forever."

"I can and I will she's my wife therefore I can do whatever I want with her . If she only obeyed my orders, she wouldn't be locked up in the first place."

Luca is honestly pushing my buttons at this point. He's been trying to convince me to let Laura out of the bedroom ever since she'd arrived.

And I've constantly told him the same thing over and over again,

"If she listens I'll let her out of the bedroom if not she stays."

I turned around and stormed out of the office leaving Luca speechless.

I headed to my Porsche witch was parked right next to Luca's Maserati and I hoped inside taking a deep breath preparing myself for the emotional wreak I call my wife.

I don't know why she had to be so vulnerable, she's weak and helpless , I thought she would be tough and fearless the first time I saw her .

But even in a wreck less state she still manages to look put together , even when she wakes up she looks beautiful.

I liked that.

She has a nice petite frame witch I like , she wasn't too small or anything along the lines, she had a bit of curvature going on.

And she always managed to look descent and put together. I would be able to stand her if only she weren't so annoying.

I pulled up in front of the house and headed out my car and into the house.

Non of the workers where anywhere to be seen so I assumed they had already clocked off.

I always managed to come later than I should to avoid Laura, she always managed to pick a fight with me leading things to get physical.

So I would come home later than usual to avoid exactly that.

I headed towards my bedroom were Francesco was standing outside.

I had assigned him as Laura's body guard as he was the only one I could trust with her .

I headed inside before telling Francesco he could leave.

I entered the room only to find Laura's head in that book shes always reading.

I headed towards the bathroom to take a quick shower before putting on a pair of grey sweatpants with a black tank top.

I got into bed next to Laura with my back flat on the bed staring at the ceiling.

"I'm taking you shopping tomorrow, were going to make our first public appearance as newly weds and I need you to look presentable." I blurted out still facing the ceiling.

Laura kept quiet for a few seconds before she spoke" I already have clothes I don't need to buy knew ones,"

"I don't care if you have clothes or not, we're going shopping tomorrow for a dress you'll be wearing tomorrow night." I snapped at her.

She finally put the book she was reading down before turning to face me.

"Why do you always have to control every aspect of my life, your mean to me and you hurt me . Look I know we aren't in a happy marriage and stuff we don't have to be, but did you have to you always have to treat me like shit!"she snapped back and I could see tiny water droplets leaving her eyes.

I always hated when she cried and it's not because I feel bad for her , she makes annoying sounds when she cries.

"I'm not going to sit here and explain to you shit , you brought this upon yourself. We're going dress shopping tomorrow end of discussion!" I pulled the blankets up and turned to face the other side of the bed.

She always has something to say why can't she just listen, for once.

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