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The place I now call home

Laura's pov

I woke up with a sharp pain in my head and I instantly regretted having a whole bottle of wine last night.

Marco was not there but I didn't expect him to be.

I dragged myself out of bed and headed to the bathroom when I heard the sound of the shower running and immediately stopped.

Was Marco taking a shower , but he didn't come back home last night.

I turned around and threw myself on the bed covering myself with the sheets and pretending to sleep.

I heard the bathroom door open as he came out and it seemed like he went into the closet.

I jolted out of bed and went into the bathroom locking the door behind me.

I didn't want to see him after what he did at the wedding. This man wanted me killed and I didn't want to go near him.

I took a shower before heading out the bathroom when I found Marco sitting on the bed as if he had been waiting for me to come out.

I tightly gripped my towel and took a step back as he stood up and headed towards my direction.

"What are you doing."I said in horror

"I'm about to leave , but before I leave I just wanted to tell you ,your going to stay in this room till I get back Elena will drop off your breakfast and Francesco will be outside. Don't even try to leave"

Who did this man think he was trying to keep me locked up like I'm some kind of threat .



"I said No I'm not going to be locked up in this room for the whole day"

He took another step forward" Your going to listen to me and I'm not going to repeat myself. Your going to stay in this room until I get back!"

Without thinking I gave him a hard slap before processing what I had done.

He pinned me against the wall as he placed his hand around my neck and tightened his grip on me

"Your a very feisty little girl aren't you Laura, well let me tell you this I don't like playing games what I say goes if you keep this little charade going I might not have to deal with you anymore."

He released his grip as I dropped to the ground gasping for air. I looked up at him as he walked off and I heard the door click.

Did he just lock the room. I instantly stood up and started banging on the door hoping someone would come and open but nothing.

I dropped to the ground with my head in my hands and started balling my eyes out.

He was capable of hurting me and he made it clear that it was only the beginning.

I was not going to let him control my life like this I couldn't even call for someone because he had taken my phone away .

It had already been a good ten minutes crying but I had to pull myself together.

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