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Mi Amor

Laura's pov

At midnight I got a call from Luca, I turned over to answer the phone and what he said overjoyed me.

Luca said that Amelia had already given birth to their baby about two hours ago,this had to be the most exciting news thus far.

Since they wanted to find out the babies gender when he was born Luca was over the moon when he found out it was a boy.

Amelia had given birth to a healthy baby boy.

I was so happy for them they are going to be the best parents in the world.

Something I knew I would never experience,but I'll be the best aunt for their baby boy.

They hadn't told me his name yet and said they'll tell me when I meet him witch is when we get back.

I am truly so happy for them.

When I finally turned back to go back to sleep I saw a figure outside the window on the balcony.

The longer I looked the more I noticed who it was.

Marco was outside on the balcony at 12am.

I got out of bed and put on a silk robe before I went out onto the balcony and I stood beside him.

"Why didn't you come back to the hotel after the meeting?"my voice was soft and low.

"I had some things to do."

"Like what?"

I seemed tense infant he look very tired.

"Did you get any sleep?"

"No I just got back."

From where?

We stayed silent for a bit longer until he spoke."I was in Sicily with Luca and Amelia."

What! He was all the way in Sicily.

I turned to face him"Marco you went all the way to Sicily so you wouldn't miss Amelia's birth."

"Luca needed me that's all."

"Marco you don't have to lie."

"I'm not."

Yes you are

"But I'm serious Marco you need to get some rest."

"I'm not tired."

I grabbed his arm yanking him inside as I pulled him along with me.

"What are you doing."

"Getting you to sleep."

I proceeded to seat him down on the bed while I went to go get a cup of water, when I came back he was taking off his shirt, I placed the cup of water on his night stand.

He slowly unbuttoned his shirt revealing his tattooed chest in every button he removed.

He slowly took off his shirt throwing it at the corner of the room.

"I you just going to stand there and watch me."

After realizing I was staring at him removing his shirt I quickly looked away"sorry."

I walked over to the other side of the bed and removed my robe letting it fall to the ground and Marco turned just then and had a disapproving look spread across his face.

"Why are you wearing that."

I looked down to my night wear and back at him."what."I asked cluelessly.

"That-why are you wearing that."

"You mean a night gown?" I sarcastically answered him.

"It's too revealing change into something else."

"For bed-Marco I'm just going to bed it's not like anyone can see me in this."

I walked over to my side of the bed and stood a little too close to me"take it off Laura."he was demanding me at this point.

"I don't want to."honestly my sassiness was going to get me in trouble again.

"Are you defying me right now Ms Marino."for some reason that sounded so hot.

"No I'm not unless you want me to actually defy you,do you want that Mr Marino?"I really don't know where this conference was coming from but I was loving it

He said nothing but instead grabbed another set of pajamas."change out of that and into something more appropriate." He said as he thew the pajamas onto the bed.

He then went into the bathroom right after and I decided I should probably change.

He wasn't wrong when he said it was inappropriate, I mean I thought he wouldn't come back tonight so I threw on the first thing I saw witch was a black lays night dress with a bra and panties that showed underneath.

I got into bed shortly after and it seemed as if I had no sleep headed my way at all.

Marco came over and joined me in bed and pulled out his laptop."Your working at this time of the hour."

"Pink looks good on you."he completely ignored what I just said.

"Im really not in the mood for you right now so I'm just going to go to sleep."I turned over pulling the blankets along with me.

I felt the blankets being pulled away from me and the cold breeze hit my skin as soon as the warm fabric left my body.

"What do you think your doing."

He instead wrapped himself with the blanket as he placed the laptop on his night stand."Goodnight mi amor I hope the bed bugs bite."

I kicked him childishly"fuck you Marco."

─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───

Hi guys I'm so sorry for the late update like I was saying I was really busy with my exams but I'll be back on track now since I'm out of my writers block ,again I'm so sorry for the late update.

And I also love this chapter after like 5 failed drafts so I really hope you love it and don't forget to vote.

Kisses 🤍

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