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The ball:Part 1

Laura's pov

This is fucking crazy I was getting ready to go to a literal masked ball.

My very first ball like ever.

Marco had all kinds of stylists, fashion designers and make-up artists to come and make me look ballroom worthy.

We received an invitation a week ago by a Mr Torricelli for his very famous yearly masked winter ball.

A bunch of high end people and celebrities where going to attend and I had to look my best if I was going to make a big impression.

Though I think if I was going to walk in with Marco I would already have it.

After the makeup artist was done with my make-up and my hairstylist was done with my hair I was left with my dress.

I stared at the long silk silver dress hung up on the wall.

After a while of admiring it I put it on and walked over to the full length mirror.

The dress hugged me perfectly, accentuating every curve on my body it was beautiful.

I put on the heels that matched it before walking around the bedroom looking for the last component of my outfit when I bumped into Marco.

"Can you please move,I'm looking for something."I tried to walk past him but he refused.

"Your mask?it's in that box."he said as he pointed to a black velvet box."But before that."he showed me a box,the same box that held the diamond necklace he gave me on our wedding day.

"Let me put this on for you."he removed the necklace from the box and stood behind me as he put it on.

"There you go."he said as he gave me a soft yet slow kiss.

"Your going to ruin my lipstick."

"I don't care you could always reapply it later."I rolled my eyes.

After he pulled away we did our last minute touches before heading to the car.

It was a three hour drive to the venue witch was a large mansion bigger than ours.

Multiple celebrities where already there when we had arrived.

"Before we get out the car put this on."he pulled out a white and silver mask with diamonds plastered all over it.

I put it on and so did he but his was black instead.

We got out the car as I put on the white fur coat to complete my outfit.

Marco wrapped his arm around my waist and whispered into me ear."You look so fucking beautiful."

My cheeks immediately turned a cherry red.

We walked into the mansion as someone escorted us to the ballroom.Everyone looked so stunning and beautiful until my eyes landed on someone.


What the fuck was she doing her and it looks like Marco was thinking the exact same thing.

Last time I saw her she was trying to sabotage my marriage with Marco practically forcing me to leave him,I mean what a witch.

Unfortunately Amelia and Luca where not here since they had some family matters to deal with, Amelia's mother died in a car accident so after Luca left the other week they left to prepare for her funeral.

Marco and I sat on a table with what I assumed was his associates who where actually pretty sweet to me.

We had our drinks first while enjoying a wonderful opera performance by so very talented opera singers.

Marco stood up and held out his hand that I took,I couldn't help but blush,I was loving this night more that how I thought I would.

He led me to the middle of the ballroom then he placed his hand on my lower back and the other was locked with mine.

"Can you even dance."I teased.

"No but I can sure Walt's."we started moving with the rhythm of the music,calm and steady.

My heart rate picked up I don't know why but all of a sudden I was nervous. I was only pressed against his chest ballroom dancing and I was fucking nervous—for what?

Even though I was nervous I loved being near him,I loved his touch,I loved his scent I loved every bit and peace of him,every single darkness that he carries I will be there with him to get him through it.

I hope he knows that,I hope he knows I'm  never leaving him and that I'm there for him always.

Marco laid on my lap his head facing the ceiling as I played with his thick locs.

I could see him fighting back his tears his eyes where getting glossy but they quickly faded away.

Marco feared emotion more than anything and I mean anything—even though he could keep his emotions away I couldn't.

I was practically in a pool of my own tears,I couldn't even bare to hear all that he has gone through.

His childhood was extremely abusive,I couldn't even imagine what it would be like having to have a father that would beat you only because he had to let off some steam.

Though that doesn't justify his previous actions I still had hop he would change.

If not for him for me.

"Mr Marino how nice to see you here."Marco's head turned to the side and he immediately stopped as soon as he saw who it was.

"Torricelli it's an honor to meet you."they shook hands and his eyes landed on me in an instant.

Torricelli was an old man maybe in his late sixties but that did not stop him from looking absolutely terrifying.

Something is not right about him.

"And who is this beautiful young lady."Marco tightened his grip on me and pressed me closer to him.

I'm guessing he doesn't like him either.

"This is my wife Laura."

"Well nice to meet you Laura, unfortunately I'm here to steal your husband for a bit but you don't mind now do you."

Yes the fuck I do."No not at all."I said as I  spread the fakest smile across my face.

"I'll be right there."Marco leaned down to me ear."There is security stationed all around the room if anything suspicious happens there is a small round button on the side of your phone press it and they'll be alerted and will get you out as soon as possible."

"Marco what's going on."I said in a panic.

"Let me just say he's not the man we should be messing with."he left a soft kiss on me cheek before he left in the direction Torricelli went in.

What the fuck was going on.

─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
Time to wrap it up


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