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Laura's pov

I slowly fluttered my eyes open as I saw a figure standing above me"Sunshine your awake."

"Luca."I said softly.

"I'm here sunshine."

"What are you doing here, your supposed to be in Virginia."For Amelia's mother's funeral.

"I came back last night and when I found out about Marco's careless decision I went straight to the ball."

"Where is he."nothing mattered to me right now last thing I remember was a gun shot and anything after that was a blur.

Marco was in that office with a dangerous person, something could've happened to him.

"He's in another room they had to take a bullet out of him but he's going to be fine."

"I need to see him."I tried to get off the bed but Luca held me down."You need some rest sunshine having that many panic attacks in a span of a few months is not good for you."

"I don't care Luca I need to see him,I need to see for myself if he is okay."again he held me down.

"Please Luca."I begged.

"You love him don't you."

"Marco."I spoke softly.

"Yes Laura."

"I-I think I like you."he let out a deep chuckle"I think I like you too."

I lifted my head slightly so I could see his expression"what."I said as I wiped my tears off my cheeks.

"I said I think I like you too."

"No you don't,you don't like me."

"Your right I don't."

"You don't?"I said slightly disappointed.

He chuckled louder this time."I do."

"But you just said you don't."

Marco lifted me up so I was sitting on his lap facing him"trust me Laura I do like you."

What we had was more than like it was love.

"Yes,yes I do love him."it was the first time I've ever said those words about him to anyone else,I loved Marco Marino.

"Room 204."

I got up and hugged Luca."Thank you."

"For what?"

"For everything, everytime I needed you you where always there,you helped me get through the first stages of our marriage so thank you."

Heck he practically led us through our whole marriage.

"Go get him sunshine ."

I left my room looking for room 204 when I found it.

Marco was asleep peacefully laying on the hospital bed.

I went over and sat beside him and took his hand into mine.

"Marco."I lightly said.

He didn't respond but I was afraid if he did I wouldn't have no courage to tell him.

"I remember when I first got to Sicily,I hated you so much I hated everything you did every word you said yes I thought you where fucking hot but I still hated you."I softly laughed.

"Yet I never thought I would end up falling for you at first I hated that I fell for you but then I loved it,I loved how you made me feel how you made me smile again"

I love you,I love you,I love you.

"I love you Marco and I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

"I love you too amor."I looked up at him and he was staring at me fully awake.

"Marco-you where awake all this time."

"I was never asleep."

"When where you planning to tell me this, technically you thought I was unconscious."

I stood up and gave him a small peck on the lips.

"You heard me didn't you."I gave him another kiss.

"Im sorry amor,I'm sorry for ever treating you badly,truth is I didn't know how to resist you so I pushed you away which I later found out was a bad decision."

"The week before our wedding I slept at the hotel because I didn't know If I was going to be able to stop myself from claiming you,I fell in love with you when I first saw you sitting at that dinner table and I knew from then you'd be the death of me."

The first time I saw Marco,it wasn't anyone's usual meet cute. Technically he shouted at me in front of my father.

Not the best first impression either.

"Your so dumb."

"And your so cute, hospital scrubs suit you you know."

I rolled my eyes at him.

"Fuck yomf."he took my lips into his before I could even finish my insult.

Making out on a hospital bed something I never thought I would do.

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