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The party :Part one

Laura's pov

Tonight would be the night of the party , although I didn't show it I was very excited.

Marco spent his whole morning in his office and I stayed in bed until Elena brought in my breakfast.

This time it was honey ricotta toast with raspberries and banana and a fruit salad with black coffee.

"Morning Elena." I greeted her as I took the tray of breakfast from her.

"Morning mam, here's today's breakfast."

"Thank you Elena, do you know where Marco is taking me tonight." I asked although I didn't expect her to know.

"I'm afraid it's a surprise"

A surprise!

"Thank you again Elena."

Elena left the room leaving me speechless.

Marco was taking me to a surprise party, I didn't know weather to be mad or excited either way I still didn't like him whatever he's trying to achieve it won't work for me.

I'm smart remember.

─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───

We started getting ready around six in the evening, Marco was the first to get ready as always and I followed.

He was wearing a black suit and white shirt for once and a red tie that was matching the color of my dress.

I wore my dress and heels and put on a decent amount of makeup, enough to cover my dark circles and still make me look cute finishing it off with a red lip.

I gave myself some beach waves to frame my face nicely,and I looked so cute.

"Were the diamond necklace I gave you."Marco said from behind me putting his watch on.

I had never wore that necklace since our wedding. I put it back in the beige box it came with soon after I came home that night.

I headed to the night stand I put it in and put it on in front of my vanity mirror.

It looked beautiful on me , I couldn't take my eyes off of it.

I looked like my mother when I wore it . I loved it I just didn't love who gave it to me.

"Stop taking your sweet time Laura we need to leave." Marco just always knew how to ruin a good moment.

I grabbed my purse off the vanity and headed out with Marco.

He was the one driving this time, witch made me feel uneasy.

He drove too fast , faster than he should have and the traffic officers didn't even bother to stop him .

The drive was about one and a half hour long drive.

We arrived at a huge building with the words Marino hotel written in bold I instantly knew this was were we where headed.

"You own his."I asked with my eyes widened at the sight.

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