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Im going to kill him

Laura's pov

"Laura get off me!" Marco shouted

"What?" I asked as I was still half asleep.

"Laura get off me , your sleeping on top of me!"

I quickly jolted out of bed when I had processed what he had just said.

"I-Im so sorry." I stutterd as I apologized.

He didn't respond to me but instead got out of bed and headed into the bathroom.

I stood there in embarrassed, did I just accidentally cuddle with Marco?.

I felt like leaving the room but then again I can't.

Marco took a shower while I crawled back into bed questioning my life's decisions.

He soon got out of the bathroom and I avoided looking at him as much as possible.

He did the same old routine he did everyday and headed out locking the door behind him.

I turned to scream into my pillow as I thought of what just happened. Was I really cuddling with Marco. I felt disgusted at the thought.


Like everyday in this hell hole of a house at the same time everyday Mrs Elena walked in with a different tray of breakfast , this time it was bacon and eggs with a fruit salad and orange juice.

I skipped breakfast and took a shower, I put on a pair of shorts and a cropped top and crawled right back into bed as I read my book once again.

When noon hit someone I didn't expect had entered the room, it was Francesco.

"Mr Marino needs you downstairs urgently mam."

I got out of bed and followed Francesco into Marco's downstairs office.

As we entered the office my eyes widened at the sight.

Marco was sitting behind his desk and Luca was holding some man at gun point.

"What is she doing here !?" Luca yelled as he turned to face Marco.

"She's here to learn a lesson." Marco replied calmly

Francesco gripped my arm trying to hold me in place.

My heart beat quickened as I saw the gun.

I was speechless, I didn't know what to say so I kept quiet.

"Marco what the hell is wrong with you!"

"Shoot him!" Marco ordered Luca

"No! You can't do this in front of her."

"Shoot him Luca!"

Luca turned to face me and back at Marco.

"Marco I'm not doing it in front of her!"

Marco stood up from his seat and snatched the gun ot of Luca's hands and pointed it at the man in front of him.

My breaths increased and my head started to spin as Marco pulled on the trigger and the man dropped dead.

Blood splatterd everywhere and I dropped to the ground as the world turned pitch black.

I woke up to Luca by my side and Marco sitting by his desk doing something.

"Are you ok?" Luca asked

"What the fuck do you think... I just saw a man get murdered in front of me!"

I jumped out of bed and headed straight to Marco ready to beat the the living shit out of him when Luca held me back.

I jumped and tried to escape Luca's grip but he was too strong for me.

"You fucking psycho in going to fucking kill you, you fucking murderer!" I shouted

Marco just kept typing away on his computer as if I weren't even there.

"Leave me the fuck alone Luca." Luca only tightened his grip on me and I accepted defeat.

I calmed down and let out a laugh

"You know what Marco Marino go fuck yourself, you dirty ass orphan."

It seemed I had caught his attention because he had stopped what he was doing.

He stood up from his seat and slowly walked over to me.

I started kicking my legs in the air trying to keep the distance between us.

"Get the fuck away from me!" I shouted.

Marco only gripped my legs and roughly pulled me away from Luca's grip.

I fell head first to the ground and Marco kneeled down and pinned both my hands to the ground.

"I'm going to kill your fucking family." He said as he let go of my hands.

"Luca out now!"

"Marco you can't___."

" Luca I said out !"

Luca left the room and Marco started to dial in something on his phone then placed it on his ear .

"Good evening Mr Marino, if your calling about the shipment it will be in by tomorrow."a man from the other line answered.

"I'm not calling about that, I need you to find the Capone's and bring them to me."

What was he thinking. Was he going to really kill my family but he can't, he can't kill my family.

I sat on the bed and started to cry my head was still spinning and the image of a man being shot in front of me came back.

I had to get back at Marco .

Get my revenge on him.

He may think he's got me but I know what he values the most in this world more than anything he owns.

One thing he can't replace.

One thing that can give him more power.

One thing he will protect with his whole entire life

The only thing that can give him an heir.


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