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Alessia Capone

Laura's pov

Marco sat beside me as I opened the letter,my eyes looked for a name and when I saw it I was almost in tears.

The letter was from my mom.

Happy birthday mi princessa,I love you so much laura.i have sacrificed everything to protect you and your brothers,if your reading this I'm sorry I'm not by your side,I know my death has deeply hurt you all but I hope you can forgive me.

It's about time you know the truth.I gave my life for your safety.The Marino's where threatening to kill all of you if I did not resign from my position so in order for them not to hurt you I gave myself in.

That was not enough for them, they demanded a marriage to merge our empires and promised to let me go and protect you.

Our feud has been going on for years now and I eventually had to agree.You are now married to the first and only son of the Marino family.

Our families have been living in peace since then but a tragic incident happened and the heads of the Marino empire were murdered and his allies blame me for his death.

I tried, I tried and I still am but I don't think I can protect myself any longer they are too many and too strong for me,they are coming to get me.

Princessa please don't blame Marco for my death,it may have been his families fault but not his,he was too young when his parents died.

I've met him and I know your going to love him,he's sweet and a very good looking boy,your marriage may have been inconvenient but it was all to protect you if you were not in the Marino's protection our whole family would have been dead.

Don't blame anyone not even your father it was all my fault. I love you and I did what I had to to protect you.

He's a good man and he'll never put you in danger I know he won't.

You deserved an explanation and I'm sorry for taking way your potential future,you were both dragged into this without your consent Im so very sorry.

I hope you will build a wonderful future with him and at least give him a chance, I know you and I know you took this very hard but it will all settle down eventually.

Happy birthday princessa.

Alessia Capone

I was in tears as I read the last sentence.My mother died to protect me.

It's all my fault"I'm the reason she died ."I said as I sobbed onto Marco's shoulders he pulled me in even closer letting me feel his warmth.

My mother was not wrong I did feel safe in his arms-like no one could ever come near me,I felt protected around him.

"Amor it's not your fault,she was protecting you."I slowly looked up at him"how did you meet her."

He brushed a strand of hair from my cheek"I was only nine years old when I met her,she was an amazing women and a very convincing one might I add,she knew how to manage her business undetected even at the age of nine I saw that."

"Marco I loved her so,so much."

"I know Laura I know and she loved you too."I hugged him so tight I didn't want to let go of him I wanted him,I wanted him to never let go of me,I craved his touch more than anything.

"Marco."I spoke softly.

"Yes Laura."

"I-I think I like you."he let out a deep chuckle"I think I like you too."

I lifted my head slightly so I could see his expression"what."I said as I wiped my tears off my cheeks.

"I said I think I like you too."

"No you don't,you don't like me."

"Your right I don't."

"You don't?"I said slightly disappointed.

He chuckled louder this time."I do."

"But you just said you don't."

Marco lifted me up so I was sitting on his lap facing him"trust me Laura I do like you."


I looked deep into his chocolate brown eyes glued to his features as my eyes traveled down to his soft plump lips and back up his his and before I knew it he had pulled me into a deep kiss.

His hands traveled down my back and into my pants as my tongue explored more of his mouth.

Heavy pants of our breaths and soft moans filled the room and I started grinding myself on his hard dick.

With the soft fabric of my pants I felt him grow bigger under me as his length rubbed onto the sensitive spot between my legs.

"What are you doing Laura."Marco groaned and I grinded even faster as I deepened the kiss.

"Laura don't do it or I won't be responsible of what happens next."I released on the kiss as I moved lower leaving trails of soft kisses on his neck and up to the sensitive spot behind his ear, Marco squeezed his grip on my ass and I never stopped grinding myself on him.

"Fuck... Laura."I stopped.

I got off him and went into the bathroom and turned on the shower.

Marco followed after me and stood by the door watching me"I thought we were starting to have some fun."

"I won't have sex with you on my terms we've already done that-"I walked over to the door were he was standing"you'll be the one taking control over me and devouring me and then I will let you fuck me."then I shut the door in his face.

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For those who have been waiting for this I won't keep you waiting any longer.


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