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Laura's pov

Mom sat behind me on the grass in the garden as she slowly braided my hair laughs leaving both our mouths. Suddenly men in all black dressed as what seemed like the government crowded the garden.

One of the men showed his badge to my mom and I could see my family being held back by some of the other men.

The man that had held out his badge approached my mother and another man dragging me from her."Mommy! Mommy!" I screamed.

"Princesa." My mother shouted out holding out her hand but it was too far for my reach.

"Mommy!" I cried.

─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───

I rose up from my sleep taking large breaths and slowly calming down my face landed on my hands as they cupped it.

The dreams... The fucking dreams!

Tears forming in my eyes and tiny droplets running down my cheeks.

I scuffed slowly rolling out of bed and placing my feet in the white fluffy slippers awaiting me at the side of my bed.

Dragging my feet to the bathroom I looked back to check if Marco was asleep and more tears dripped down my cheeks and onto my silk pajamas.

Slowly sliding the bathroom door open and standing in front of the mirror splashing my face with cold water.

I slowly rose my head as I looked into the young women in front of me.

Her life was taken away from her , she doesn't know who she is anymore, she's lost.

After my mother died my family fell apart, It was like my mother was the glue of the family when she died that bond was broken.

I remember the days my family would actually chat and eat dinner together like a normal family right.

After her death everyone changed , Matteo turned to sex and girls it was hard seeing him go down the wrong path , I knew he was hurt I tried talking to him but he kept pushing me away.

My father became angrier and more controlling, I never had a good relationship with my father before and wasn't planning on one after my mothers death, it was clear as day my father favoured my brothers more because they were boys.

It never bothered me because I always had my mother but we all know how that went.

Lorenzo was more of a mommy's boy, he loved my mother just as much as me. Her death caused him to gain some weight, muscle weight to be exact, he started exerciseing more and also took up art witch he got really good at really quickly.

Although his art was rather disturbing it looked really good. He used art to express his emotions and I loved that.

I was the only one he showed his art collection to , my father and Matteo would have strongly disagreed with his choice and probably would have sent his off to some isolated boarding school in the middle of nowhere.

I on the other hand took interest into what my mother liked , I still wanted to feel connected to her, I wanted her to still be with me , I never wanted her to leave.

I already loved going into the garden with her, that's when I felt strongly connected with her.

I would go into the garden with her whenever she wasn't working, we would sit on the grass and she would braid my hair sometimes I would braid hers as she told me about her bizarre stories.

Her childhood had the most interesting stories and I loved listening to her talk about them.

I told myself I would do the the same with my children , have the bond I had with my mother with them, but I don't think that will ever happen, well not with Marco for sure.

I stepped out of the bathroom dragging my feet back to the bed and tucking myself in once again hoping to get some sleep this time.

─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───

I had woken up a bit earlier than expected judging by the fact that I barely slept.

I looked over to the other side of the bed, Marco had already left?

Wasn't it a bit too early for him to leave. I turned over to check the time on my phone , it was indeed too early 06:15 to be exact.

Didn't really bother me so I got up to take a bath, I walked into the bathroom running the water into the jacuzzi tub and running my hands under the water to check the temperature, I put in a cute strawberry scented bath balm and lightning up the candles situated around the bathroom.

After my relaxing bath I walked into the closet to changed into something comfortable , a pair of grey sweats and a matching grey hoodie before getting back into bed , the weather was still gloomy out so it was the perfect day to stay in bed.

I picked up the other book Luca had bought for me , he had it delivered to me not so long ago and I couldn't wait to read it .

As I flipped through the pages of the novel I couldn't help but notice the giant ring on my finger it reminded me of the ring my mother used to wear , it wasn't her wedding ring but more of a decorative ring.

I played with the ring on my finger and the more I looked at it the more it looked like her ring . I took the ring off my finger as I examined it,every side of it.

There's no way!

How could this be!,How did he get it?

This is my mother's ring!

─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───

Im killing myself with this slow burn!

Kisses 🤍

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