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A normal day as Mr Marino's wife

Laura's pov

"How long has she been out?" Luca asked

"It's been more that fifty minutes now." Marco answered.

"Marco what did you do to her."

"She disobeyed me so she had to pay the price."

"Marco what did you do to her! ." Luca repeated

"I chocked her.... twice, to teach her a lesson."

"Are you stupid, she's your wife ,why would you do that to her, your not supposed to hurt her ."

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I haven't had one of these in a while . The last time I had a panic attack , I was with Isa at one of our favorite night clubs.

There was a shooting when I had it. Giving the reason why I'm afraid of guns and the sound they make . If I were to hear a gun shot or see someone being killed in front of me,I would get a panic attack.

My panic attacks go back to when I was a child. The doctors never knew why I started having them at a young age but I just had them.

I had fallen asleep till the next day. I had woken up before Marco this time .

I sat up in a trying to take in my surroundings. It was still dark out. And Marco was snoring so loud I could't even concrete on my own thoughts.

I quickly realized I was in my night wear witch was a red lace night gown. Did Marco change my clothing?.

I carefully got out of bed to go to the bathroom. I washed my face with cold water to fully wake me up I stayed in the bathroom for a while before I headed out and got back into bed.

I took out my book from the night stand and started reading until the sun rose .

Marco usually woke up around this time . But I kept on ready ignoring his alarm going off.

He held his hand out to switch it off and slowly got out of bed to take a shower.

He came out of the bathroom with his towel wrapped around his waist when I noticed he had a Medusa tattoo on his arm.

I've never seen his tattoos before given he always has a shirt on.

For a moment I felt bad for him but remembered what kind of man he was.

"You know it's rude to it's stare."

I quickly realized I had been staring an him longer than I should have. I continued to read my book out of embarrassment and looked back up when he went into the closet.

"Who changed my clothing last night."I asked him.

"I did."

"You didn't...did you."I felt so embarrassed he must've seen my boobs for sure.


"Your my wife who else was going to do it but me... I was not going to let the maids see your naked body , your body is for my eyes only."

I felt disgusted after he said those words and I also felt uncomfortable at the thought of Marco seeing me naked.

"Don't you ever touch me again, I may be married to you but it does not give you the reason to undress me without my permission!" I scolded.

"Your mine and I can do anything I want to you ,after all you are my wife."

I fucking hated him he has crossed so many boundaries and disrespected me so many times and the icing on the cake is that he tried to choke me to death.. TWICE!

"Get out!"

"What ?"

"I said Get out!"

Marco just looked at me and proceeded to put on his Cologne , it smelled strong an masculine like him. Afterwards he took a silver watch off his night stand and slowly put it on .

He then continued to be busy on his cell and after a very long ten minutes he left the room.

I picked my book back up and continued to read it.

After a while Mrs Elena entered the room with a tray of pancakes a cup of coffee and a green smoothie. I took the tray from her and placed it on my night stand.

"Mrs Elena can I have a latte instead?" I said as I cleared my throat.

"I'm afraid not madam this is Mr Marino's special orders for breakfast."

"Please, I won't tell him you switched my drink." I pleaded.

"I'm sorry madam I can't."

The man was controlling what I was eating for breakfast too!

"It's ok Elena, you may leave!"

I was not going to let my anger towards Marco rub off on the maids after all they were doing as they were told.

I finished my breakfast and headed to the bathroom when I found out I had started my period. Couldn't this day get any worse.
I thought I was on birth control!

I changed into a cute t-shirt and black sweatpants with a rhinestone design on them.

When I came out of the closet I realized it was raining outside. I sat on the floor with my knees together and my head resting on my knees.

I started balling my eyes out.

I don't know why but memories from the past few days had come back and the thought of me being married to Marco for the rest of my life , darkened me.

It had been one lunch tray later when Marco walked in .

"You look weak." He commented as if it would make me feel any better."I thought you'd be tougher but instead your soft like your brother."

I ignored him as I crawled into bed.

"Get up you look miserable ." What was wrong with this man has he never seen someone cry before .

"No."I said as I scuffed.

"Don't do that."

"Do what ?"

"That thing you're doing, it's annoying me."

Did this man not know what the hell crying is.

"You mean cry!?"

"Yeah that stop that"

I covered myself with the sheets as a form of ignoring him.

Soon afterwards I had fallen asleep.

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