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Tell her the truth

Marco's pov

2 weeks later

"Sir Mrs Marino has received a package."

A voice came from behind me , I turned around to see one of the guards holding a box with a letter on it.

"I'll give it to her." I said as I took to the box and set it on the kitchen counter.

I probably won't give it to her now .

She's spent most of her time in the green house lately, and she hasn't gotten off that device of hers.

It's actually starting to irritate me.

I kept on thinking as I took a sip of my coffee.

Elena was still preparing breakfast .

I wonder what's in that box .

And how did they find my address.

The realization hit , was Laura giving away my location now.

I was interrupted by Luca entering the kitchen with his phone pressed against his ear.

It seemed he had already reached the end of his call when he put his phone in his front pocket.

Whatever he's here for has to be urgent because it's too early in the morning for this.

"What's up Marco."He said cheerfully

It looked a bit suspicious to me , he's never so cheerful

"Why are you here Luca , it's too early for this."

"I just came to check on you."

"Luca want do you want?" I asked eagerly

Luca looked at me as if I was the one who needed to spill the beans.

"What's for breakfast around here?"

It's too early to argue with this man , I just can't.

"Ohh what's this?" He said curious of the box in front of him.

"That's Laura's, it arrived this morning."

"Do you know what's in it?"

Ok now something smells fishing, Luca's acting is horrible.

"Luca my office."

"What? Now. But I haven't eaten breakfast yet."


He hesitantly stood up and followed me up to my office.

We both took a seat and I started into Luca's eyes as if I would get my answers instantly.

"Luca why are you here so early in the morning?"I asked desperate for answers.

"Did you tell her?"

"Tell her what."


"No! I didn't."

Luca looked at me as if he were disappointed and furious at the same time.

"Well you'll have to tell her eventually. Now that she's married to you she has to know."

"She not ready Luca you can see that, she's too weak and probably not fit for it."

"Marco were talking legal here , lawyers are involved, you only have half control of this situation, we can't risk loosing another partnership because your being stubborn.

Luca's right I have to tell her eventually, but it's too early and she's still too vulnerable for me to tell her . I can't tell her now she won't know the first thing to do.

"Marco the longer you keep her in the dark about this the more your hurting the business."

I turned to face Luca , already tired of this conversation as we've had it thousands of times before"Luca I don't know how many times I have to repeat myself. She's. Not . Ready."

"Look Laura's too weak , too gullible, unfit and on top of that I'd be too stupid to put such a huge asset in her hands, she won't know the first thing to do as soon as she finds out, she's too careless."

Luca looked at me with a look of disappointment.

"Don't speak down on her , you don't know if she's fit or not until you tell her."

"No Luca , this is my business were talking about not some tennis match she's not ready and I'm putting my foot down."


"Save it , I don't want to hear it!" I cut him off.

Suddenly we heard a loud bang on the door and the sound of footprints furthering away from the office door.

Luca quickly got up to check who it was and his expression did not look pleasing.

I stood up from my chair to check who it was when I saw no one, but Luca's eyes were intensely focused on my bedroom door, and I instantly knew who it was.

"I'll go check on her,"Luca insisted.

"Luca stop!" I stoped him "I'll do it , if you go what exactly are you going to say to her?"

Luca stared at me blankly"exactly what I thought."

I turned around and headed towards my bedroom. I opened the door only to find Laura on the floor with her head in her hands and she was doing that weird thing she always does.

She's weak , do you see what I mean.

"What were you guys talking about?"she demanded with water droplets still falling from her face.

"It has nothing to do with you."

"Then why was I mentioned way more than I should've if it has nothing to do with me."

"Laura your not ready for that yet."

"What Marco what, and here I was thinking you would stop calling me mean things and talking down on me."

"But it's the truth, I mean look at you, your weak, your a mess right now."

I don't know how she didn't understand

"Apologize Marco it's as simple as that."

"I don't see why I should apologize when it's true."

"Marco you were practically saying I'm stupid and dumb."

"No I didn't, I said your week and unfit ."

"Get out!" She shouted

"Marco for once leave me alone, GET . OUT!"

Our eyes locked for a moment before I left the room.

Luca was standing by the door and I assumed he heard everything.

"Don't dare say anything."

"Marco she's crying, are you being serious leaving her to deal with all this alone."

I rolled my eyes and headed to the kitchen to crab her package still wondering what would it be and who would have sent it.

I'm probably going to give it to her when she stops acting so dramatic.

She annoyed me some much. I can't stand her anymore.

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