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Wedding bells

Laura's pov

1 week later

The day has come Marco was to put a ring on my finger today.

From this day on I'll be spending my life with a man I don't even love.

I'll be spending my life with a man who won't even try to respect me.

The past week had been very busy. Marco had not come to the house ever since I had arrived but I wasn't complaining.

From last week I had been in and out of boutiques , salons, jewelry stores and the list goes on.

Marco didn't even bother to tag along or even get to know me . I hated the man but I had to know what I was getting into.

The dress he had picked out was a mermaid dress with diamond sequence on it.It was beautiful not what I wanted but still it was beautiful.

For the past three hours I had been getting ready and I didn't even know where I was going to get married. I had asked Francesco to tell me but he refused, I had asked the lady's that were helping me get ready but they said they didn't know.

How could someone restrict their bride from knowing where she was going to get married.

As the makeup artist was finishing off my makeup then she turned me so I could face the mirror .I saw myself and I looked beautiful.

I stood up to take a closer look at myself out of disbelief and I looked drop dead gorgeous.

One of the lady's was helping me slip into my wedding dress when the door flung open.

It was Marco holding a box.

"What are you doing here, didn't you know it's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding" I shouted

He rolled his eyes at me and handed me the box"what's this!"I asked

I opened the box only to find a gorgeous diamond necklace in it

I smiled"You didn't have to do that."

"I didn't"my smile dropped immediately.

"It's a necklace my mother gave me , I'm supposed to give it to my future bride witch is you."he said with a cold heart.

"Why couldn't she give it to me herself?"

"Listen Laura I'm here to give you the necklace not start a conversation!"

"Then why are you getting married to me in the first place if you can't even start a genuine conversation with me !"

"I'm getting married to you because I'm building a bigger empire not because I love you."my heart sank at his words , I knew why he was getting married to me but him saying it with his own words hurt me.

"Fuck you Marco!"

He smirked at me as he took small tiny steps towards me , he roughly grabbed my neck and pulled me towards him.

"Listen here little girl ,you're not going to speak to me like that , I'm to be respected."he said as he tightened his grip.

"I promised your father I will protect you not hurt you or do you want me to hurt you?" His grip tightened and tightened when Luca walked in and separated him from me.

"Are you crazy !" He shouted

Marco just left and Luca stayed behind to make sure I was ok.

"Are you ok."

"Yeah, I-Im fine." I stuttered

"Well the wedding has began so, I'm going to be walking you down the isle"

"Won't my father come?" I asked

"No he can't."

"Ok." I said trying to fight back my tears


Luca held my arm as we entered the Chappelle.

Most of the people there I had not recognized , Marco didn't even bother to invite my family to my wedding.

I caught a glimpse of Marco standing by the priest.

I was disgusted.

This man the same man who had tried to choke me like five minutes ago was going to be marrying me .

I wanted to turn around and run .I wanted to go home. Luca let go of my arm as I stood in front of Marco .

He stared at me as if he were looking straight in to my soul.

The priest began to speak " We are gathered here today to witness the marriage of Laura Capone and Marco Marino"

He then proceeded to do his wedding speech and made us exchange rings and vows.

He then turned to me"Do you Laura Capone take Marco Marino to be you lawfully wedded husband"

I took a second to think and I remembered the time he handed me the necklace I almost said no but remembered I had no choice."I do"

He then turned to Marco who didn't keep his eyes of of me and proceeded to ask him "Do you Marco Marino take Laura Capone to be your lawfully wedded wife"

"I do" he said with no hesitation.

"With that being said I now pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride"

My heart started to race as Marco stepped towards me.

I closed my eyes as I felt his warm , soft lips against mine. We kept it short and the crowd clapped out of excitement.

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