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Laura's pov

We had arrived at the dock were four men dressed in black suits had been awaiting my arrival.

They were standing in front of a yacht, it must have been the largest yacht I have ever seen . My family was rich but this man , this man was wealthy.

Isa squeezed my hand as we stepped out of the SUV, I had asked her to come,like I said she was my safe space and I needed her there.

One of the men stepped forward and introduced himself as Luca as he took my luggage and gestured towards the boat dock witch I assumed meant I had to go to the boat dock.

I turned to look over at my family and immediately caught a glance of Lorenzo crying, I've only seen him cry ones in my life if you don't count the times he was a baby.

I quickly ran to hug him dreading the thought of leaving him behind, he was my little brother for crying out loud , he wouldn't be able to fend for himself .

I pulled out of the hug to face him with my hands on his shoulder "your going to be ok"I said as I pulled him back into another hug , this time Isa joined and my father and Matteo just stood and watched.

Those two didn't do well with affection, I mean how does one survive without being affectionate.

Suddenly a finger tapped on my shoulder and I turned around to see Luca standing there looking pissed.

Couldn't the man just spare some time for me and my family after all they were going to take me away from them .

"We have to arrive at Sicily soon , Marco is awaiting your arrival."

I looked back at Isa "take good care of him" I said referring to Lorenzo

I then turned to look at Matteo and my father as I said my final goodbye's to them too.

I gave Isa one last hug before I boarded the yacht.

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"Can I at least pick my dress , it's my wedding too you know" I said as I scolded Marco

"No it's already picked one for you, tomorrow your going to go to the boutique and getting it sized up "

I was so tired of this man I had only been in the car with him for no longer than twenty minutes and already were fighting

"Can I at least invite my family and my best friend Isa" I said hoping for a little pity .


"Marco!"I shouted ,"Marco!" I shouted again


I hate him I hate so much why did it have to be me why did it have to be my family.

I wanted to go I wanted Isa I wanted comfort.

We were on the road for another hour before we arrived.

"We've arrived."he said

I looked out the window only to see the most mesmerizing view I have ever seen , he lived here?, maybe it wouldn't be so bad I mean after we get married I'll just be alone in my room watching movies the whole day just without company.

His house was big but it was more of a castle than a house it had an old Italian architecture to it but it didn't feel old at all for a cold hearted man his house sure did feel welcoming.

As we entered the gates I just could not take my eyes off of the building in front of me . It was beautiful. Maybe even ten times bigger than my mansion back home.

The car stopped in front of the entrance of the house and I stepped out of the SUV,Marco was already far ahead from me so I sped up my pace to catch up with him.

He stopped to talk to Luca and headed inside as Luca started to approach me .

He helped me in and a group of people witch I assumed were his staff and bodyguards bowed as I entered.

What was going on.

"This is our staff and this man right here is your personal bodyguard."Luca said as a man stepped forward.

"Good Afternoon Ms Capone I'm Francesco your bodyguard."

"Hi nice to meet you Francesco."

"Now that you've met the staff , Ms Elena here will give you the tour" Luca interrupted before I could finish introducing myself.

"I'm a bit tired, I don't think I'll be able to do the tour today, can you show me were I'll be sleeping Ms Elena."

"I'm afraid Mr Marino wanted me to give you the tour today not tomorrow, it's his orders"

"But I'm tired"

"I'm just following orders mam."

I didn't want to seem rude so I went on the tour, Francesco kept following us like a lost puppy and I don't think I liked it .

The downstairs portion of the house had a chefs kitchen,three bathrooms ,two bedrooms,a dinning area,the living area,a kitchen,a wine seller, an office ,an indoor green house witch was my favorite and a wet bar.

The upstairs portion of the house had six bedrooms , seven bathrooms , a lounge, a gym and an office.

His house was huge the tour felt like it was neverending and my feet were throbbing from all this walking around.

We stopped in front of a door witch Elena told me would be my bedroom I walked in and it was practically screaming luxury. It had dark grey walls witch I didn't like because it made the room feel sad but I brushed it away when I walked into the bathroom.

It was big and spacious, it was white and had black accents and a jacuzzi tub witch I will be enjoying.

I walked out of the bathroom and walked into the grand closet but my smile faded when I saw that one side of the closet had already been filled with clothes witch I assumed were Marco's and the other had my clothes already filled

I walked out and headed straight to Elena .

"Am I going to be sharing a the room with Marco ?"I asked

"Yes ma,am"


"You are to soon be his wife so you will be sharing a chamber with Mr Marino"

What ! I was not going to share a bedroom with this man let along a bed

"Can I get another room?"

"Unfortunately not ma,am, these are the orders I was given by Mr Marino."

Why did I have to share the same bedroom as Marco.I'm sure he hated me more than I hated him so why did we have to share a bedroom .

"It's ok Elena you can leave."

As Elena left I threw myself onto the bed out of exhaustion.

My wedding was in a week and I have no say in the planning what so ever .
Why did it have to be me? Why lord why?

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