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Brown envelope

Laura's pov

I woke up early today and told Elena I was going to make the breakfast today,no one had woken up yet and since it was Isa's last day in Sicily I thought we should do something fun.

Some french toast and orange juice would be delicious right.

As I made the breakfast I just could not get myself to think straight-i had fantasized about Marco last knight,I know I know bad Laura but it got worse when I had a dream that included Marco,Laura and positions that would make an acrobat's jaw drop.

And when I woke up in the morning I didn't help but feel the slickness between by legs so I rushed out of bed took a shower and changed into some clean underwear.

Leading me to make breakfast since I didn't want to get back in bad with the man I had just had a sex dream about.

This was one thing I would not tell Isa-its already way too embarrassing to think about.

I plated the food when I felt someones presence behind me "looks good"a deep voice spoke,and I knew from the woody masculine scent who it was.

"It tastes even better."I turned around only to stumble back and hit the counter "sorry for starting you."

It wasn't because he came out of nowhere it was the fact that the only thing he had on were grey sweatpants which means his tattooed chest was totally bare.

There was nothing more than seeing a sexy man who was ripped and was fully covered in tattoos.

AKA Marco.

"Need any help."

I cleared my throat "yeah... Can you set the breakfast on the breakfast table."

"Yes ma,am"Marco following my orders-that was new.

Marco set up the breakfast table as I grabbed the orange juice and placed it on the table right then Isa walked in sill in her hello kitty pj's "Morning "she greeted softly.

"Morning."I greeted back and nudged Marco on the ribs to greet back.

"Morning."he groaned as he took a seat.

"C'mon I made breakfast."Isa joined us and for almost twenty minutes we sat in complete silence until Marco's phone buzzed.

He took it out,looked at the caller once and stood up and left.

"Rude."Isa mumbled as she took a sip of her orange juice.

"I've learned to put up with it."I said as a chuckled.

"Like seriously how do you put up with him."

"I really don't know."


Marco left for work soon after his emergency call so Isa and I had decided to stay in and watch mean girls for the afternoon before she left tonight.

I had asked Elena to grab us a few cozy blankets and put them in the movie room for us.

It was pretty cold out and the snow was was staring to make an appearance making this stay in day even cozier.

The movie room was was huge as expected and decorated in dark accents as expected, with a huge moon shaped gray couch in the middle and a huge flat screen tv that covered the whole wall.

"Ohh this is nice."Isa said completely wowed by the movie room.

I had also not been in here before,it was my first time ever in here and I can confirm it was very nice and modern.

We plopped ourselves down on the couch and cuddled into each other as we put Mean Girls on.


My mother left early in the morning she didn't even get to say happy birthday to me,I had asked my father but he just said she had important work to do.

It was weird since never left work without saying goodbye to to and every goodbye felt like it was the last.

I never knew what kind of work my mother had to do but it seemed as if it was a lot of it.

Matteo entered my room with an envelope in his hand and placed it on my bed as sat on the bed with me."what is it?"I curiously asked.

"A letter but your not meant to open it now-on your 21st birthday that's the day your allowed to open it."

"Why not now."I was anxious to open it and see what it had to say.

"You can't open it now your 18 not 21."

I chuckled "I know Matteo but why would you give it to me now."

He glared at me as if he was warning me and I glared back at him but now it was a full on staring contest then Matteo tickled the side of my stomach making me flinch.

"The earlier the better..."he stood off the bed."...and happy 18th birthday sis."

"Thank you."


Isa had to leave early and I sat on the bed with the brown envelope staring right back at me.

I was a day late on opening it.

To think that when I first got it I was so anxious on opening it and see what it had to say but now I am too scared to see what it had to say to me.

Or what it was about.

I sat staring at this envelope for thirty minutes now and I was on the verge of putting it back in my night stand.

Marco walked in and placed his suit jacket in the closet before he paused when he saw the brown envelope.

"You haven't opened it yet, wasn't your birthday yesterday."I looked up at him in a confused look.

"Wait how do you know about it."

"Alessia Capone-big time mafia queen, you know I really liked your mother for a women she held so much power in this industry."

"You knew my mother?"

"I also knew you and you knew me."

"Wait wait wait hold up,do you know anything about this letter."I stood up maybe I could take in the things he was saying quicker.

"Everything that has come up to this is because of that letter."


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Hi :)


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