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The taste of lust

Laura's pov

Marco stared at me probably not knowing what to do nor say.

"Please just this once and I won't ask you ever again."I desperately spoke.


I knew this was stupid... I shouldn't have done this.

I looked down unable to face him what the fuck was I supposed to do-make out with him.

I felt my chin rising and I was once again facing him my body even closer to his our faces only inches apart.

I was lost in his icy cold eyes full of ruthless pain when my lips met his-his tongue devouring my mouth of every inch of it.

Everything around me disappeared and it was like I was floating on a white fluffy cloud high up in the sky.

My juices seeping onto my underwear-i was soaked from a kiss.

"This doesn't mean anything."I spoke yet my lips never leaving his.

"Of course."lifting me up I was placed on the small round table beside us and I could feel the cold breeze hitting my thigh as my silk robe slowly went up my thighs.

Releasing from the kiss Marco pulled me closer to him by grabbing my ass."after tonight Laura we shall not do this ever again or speak of it... are we clear."

"Crystal."this was it after this their gone,once and it's off.

"Good."picking me up my legs were hugging his waist and he was walking into our bedroom from the balcony and walking over in front of the bed.

Placing me down he looked at my robe and back at me"take it off."without even hesitating I untied my robe slowly letting it fall to the ground leaving me only in my black lace bra that was matched with my lace thong.

I felt bare and naked-maybe because I was.

He stood there and took his shirt off followed by his pants then taking small steps towards me "on the bed."I could tell from this he was enjoying taking control.

He was enjoying this as much as I was.

I laid on the bed with my legs spread apart waiting for his next move.

He slowly climbed onto the bed grabbing my legs so they were situated on his shoulders.

I felt my stomach create a knot on my lowered reagan.

He pulled my thong to the side bearing my pussy onto him, his tongue glided through my folds sending shocks throughout my body.

Fuck his tongue felt so good.

I grabbed the sheets for stability when I felt his fingers dive into me,my walls clenching around him as his tongue devoured my pussy with every movement it made.

His tongue slides against my clit and uncontrollably my eyes roll back and my head falls as the most delicious feeling spikes through me.

He releases his mouth on my clit and proceeds to fuck me with his fingers and I feel the second finger slide into my entrance causing my toes to curl and my grip on the sheets to tighten."fuck that feels so good"but it's covered up by another moan.

I arched my back as I felt myself growing closer to an organism "fuck I'm going to come."he stopped.

I looked down to him a mix of emotions running through me as I tried to catch my breath."why did you stop"I breathed out.

He crawled up to me until his face was above mine."I still hate you."

"And I still think your a jerk."with that I felt my underwear being ripped off me and I felt him inside of me.

My head fell back as he slowly slid his hard into me and thrusted even deeper inside of me, my mouth fell open letting small ,sweet, blissful moans escape me.

My walls clenched around his length as he made sturdy thrusts inside me.

With every thrust I felt myself grow weak-I was taking his length in as he thrusted rougher and faster into me.

I needed this I needed this so bad and Marco did not fail to deliver.

Never in these past few months had I thought I would be begging Marco to fuck me.

I loud moan escaped from me as I felt his hand rubbing against my already swollen clit just by his touch my moans grew louder-at this point I didn't even care about the neighbors.

"Fuck your pussy feels so tight."he praised.

I felt another organism building up and I couldn't hold it no more I was on the edge of my release.

I think he could tell from my expression because his strokes because deeper and rougher"please" I begged as I felt my legs shiver.

With the last deep stroke I fell off the edge as I came all over his dick-Marco groaned as he found his own release "fuck"he came all over inside my pussy.

Pulling out I felt his juices seep down onto the bed sheets-as soon as I caught my breath my body relaxed but my pussy was sensitive as fuck.

I asked him to ruin me and ruin me he did.

God he knew how to fuck-I don't think I'll be able to walk off this bed.

Suddenly that awful ringtone of his went off and he went over to pick it up and he took the call in another room.

A few minutes later he came back and he looked like he'd seen a ghost."We're heading back to Sicily tonight."

My head shot up."already,is everything ok?"


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So um that just happened and I don't know how to feel about how I wrote it so yeah.


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