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Date night:Part 2

Marco's pov

The waiter walked over with two plates on either side of his hands and placing them on our table then turning to leave.

I didn't like how he looked at Laura earlier,his job was to take people's orders not flirt with customers.

We stayed silent as we ate our meal and so far it was good.

I looked around as I scanned the restaurant.I haven't been in public places since Angelo attacked us.Anyone here could be a danger to me.

You could never be too sure so I brought three other bodyguards to wait outside Incase anything happened.

I turned my attention back to her now noticing her features more.

She looked beautiful today, I liked how she styled her her it framed her face well.

Her makeup was light and effortless just how I liked it.

Although I didn't like her dress,it was too low and open in the back and too short for my liking.

But it's better I not say anything as it would result in another fight.

I've been trying my best lately to avoid them.

I would wake up early to sit in the office all day and come back when I knew she was asleep.

I would only mostly see her during breakfast and she always tried to stur up a conversation witch would always fail.

I've been trying to give her space,if space is what she wants then thats what she's going to get.

I don't want to loose her she's too valuable to me.

She's the reason the hotels are now in my name.

Under her mother's promise I got what I wanted and the last thing was for her to give me an heir.

She may not agree now but she will I know she will.

"Can I ask you more questions."she spoke in a sweet voice.

"I already told you ,you can ask me anything."

"I said I wanted to know more things about you so tell me things about you."

I could see she was trying to give me a chance, she shouldn't.

But something in me told me she's to be trusted .

I cleared my throat "Things about me?"I was nervous all of a sudden.

"Yes things about you,like when's your birthday, what do you like to do─you know stuff like that."

Nobody has ever asked me questions like that infact they would avoid talking to me at all cost.

People kept their distance from me exactly how I liked─far from me.

"My birthday's on the 20th of July."

"Wow I never thought you would be a summer baby I always thought you'd be more towards the winter side you know cause your cold."She joked although I could see she regretted it as soon as it came out of her mouth.

"What about you."I asked her.

"My birthday."She looked shy all of a sudden."December 6th."

That was in two months.

She quickly changed the topic before I could say anything"What about things you love to do?"

"Motorcycling."her eyes widened.

Was it that shocking.


"I don't do it often but I love doing it."

"What bikes do you ride?"

"Yamaha r1 and the Kawasaki Ninja H2 at the moment."

She looked absolutely clueless it looked cute.

Snap out of it Marco!

Trying to change the topic I offered to order some dessert she ended up ordering a Brownie a la mode.

"That's awfully sweet don't you think."

She chuckled"what I love sweet things, don't you?"

"No.they give you cavities making your teeth rot and I'd like to keep my teeth cavity free thank you."

"Marco have you ever even tasted a brownie."

I stayed silent, I never found sweet things appealing.

I loved more spicier foods then sweet as my preference.

"I'm guessing that's a no."she then turned to face the waiter "Can you please make that two Brownie a la mode's please?"

She was so kind to people, every time she would ask for something she would not forget to say please and thank you.

I mean she wouldn't even hurt a fly.

"Why did you order two desserts?"

"I thought you might want to try one."

"But I don't want to try it."

"Well then that's two deserts for me."

As soon as our desserts came she ate hers in silence as I examined her.

Having not touched mine she had asked to take it to go before I payed and waited outside for the valet to bring the car.

I looked over to her as we waited and I could see she was shivering.

I mean it was expected if she was going to wear something so revealing.

I awkwardly took off my jacket and placed it on her shoulders and she flinched as I touched her."Here"

"No you didn't have to do that."But I did.

I wasn't going to let her wait out in the cold, I wanted her to feel warm and safe.

"I didn't your shivering annoyed me."

She seemed offended."Sorry." I said in a low tone.

"What?"she asked in confusion.

Oh God I didn't want to do this."I'm sorry for everything,being late,not answering your messages and for saying things that upset you."

That's the last time I'm ever going to say that.

Tonight I wanted to make an effort at least after everything I think we both needed this.

"It's ok."her eyes where intensely focused on mine.

I started to get a weird feeling in my stomach,a feeling I've never felt before and I didn't like it.

Her eyes traveled to my lips as she bit hers.

She looks so hot right now.

Marco snap out of it! I scrolled myself.

I quickly looked away.

After the valet brought over the car I helped her inside closing the door for her before I got in and drove off two SUV's following behind us.

She slept the whole way home Luca just had to choose a restaurant far from where we lived.

I pulled up in the drive way getting out the car and opening her door as I picked her up.

I walked into the house with her in my arms as I went into our bedroom and placing her on the bed.

I pushed her hair out her face when I noticed a tattoo of her mother's name behind her ear Alessia.

Alessia Capone.

─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───

This chapter took so long to write idk maybe it was because it's Marco's pov or something but I might rewrite it later not to mension it gave me serious writer's block it's actually not funny.

Kisses 🤍

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