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Laura's pov

All along I've been wearing my mother's ring, I never knew what this ring meant to her but it never seemed to leave her finger just like her wedding ring.

How did Marco get a hold of my mother's ring, why , when , how!

I needed answers, Marco needs to give me answers.

Hours passed and there I was sitting on the bed reading a book waiting for Marco to walk through the tall white door into our bedroom.

It was like the lord had answered my prayers when Marco barged into the room and the expression spread across his face did not look pleasing.

I jolted out of bed following him into the closet."How did you get this."His back still facing me as I spoke "Marco I said where did you get this!"

"Laura I don't have time for this." He said as he unlatched his silver watch off his wrist.

Talking to Marco had to be the most tedious thing I've ever had to do.

He would never give me a straight answer.

"Marco this is my mothers ring how did you get it."Marco ignored me as he pushed me aside to walk out the closet and into the bedroom I followed after him as he did so.

"Marco how did you get it!" I yelled trying to contain my tears, the last thing I wanted was to look weak and desperate in front of him.

"Don't you ever shout at me." His voice was stern as he spoke almost demanding. He finally turned around to face me.

"I said I don't have the time for this , your annoying Laura absolutely irritating so if I were you I would put that damn ring on and shut the fuck up!"


Marco just shrugged.

Unable to defend myself pools of water ran down my cheeks"Marco" my voice was weak and shaky you could hear how hurt I felt just by speaking.

I put the ring on whipping my tears off and running out the door.

─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───

"Laura.." a voice called out"Laura"I turned to see Luca holding a pizza box.

I sat up on the bench as I wiped the tears off my face, I avoided Luca's gaze by looking down to the ground.

Luca came to sit beside me placing the pizza box on the small table beside the bench."I brought you some pizza... Elena told me you hadn't eaten lunch yet so I thought I should bring you some.

"Thank you."My voice was low and my gaze still focused to the ground.

Luca placed his hand by my shoulder,"Marco didn't mean to hurt you he has been through it today, you may not tell but he's really stressed out with work and everything else."

I stayed silent, I didn't know what to say or even how to answer that.

I was not going to forgive Marco , not after what he did and what he said, He's treated me like shit ever since I got here, he's said things to me that he could never take back and he will never ever treat me they way I should be treated, he said it himself.

"Why are you even his best friend, he's heartless and doesn't give a shit about anyone but himself."

"You don't know him as well as I do. I've been friends with Marco since we were kids we went to the same schools and at some point lived with him since his parents died." Luca took the pizza box taking out a piece and offering it to me.

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