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Date night:Part 1

Laura's pov

I got out the shower a white towel wrapped around my breasts and the other on my hair.

I went over to the bathroom sink as I washed my face and did my skin care.

Today was the day.

I don't really know what to expect today,Marco is very unpredictable so anything could happen.

I got out the bathroom and into the closet sitting I front of the vanity as I did my makeup and hair.

I liked to keep my makeup light but dewy,With my hair I like to do beach waves since it frames my face nicely.

I put on the short white backless dress paired with white heels accented with rhinestones.

I grabbed a bag off of the huge shelf dedicated to them before putting on my vanilla signature scent.

I got out the bedroom my heart beat increasing as I was nervous."I'm ready." I told Francesco.

Giving him a little twirl before asking for his opinion witch he replied with,"You look stunning ma,am"

"Thank you."

We left for the car as he drove me to the restaurant.

─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───

I waited impatiently checking my phone to see that Marco was twenty minutes late to our date.

I should have not gotten my hopes up, of course Marco was going to stand me up.

I'm so dumb for thinking he would actually agree to all this.

I texted Marco once more to ask him where he was but still no reply.


I looked around the restaurant to see if there where any sign of him anywhere but nothing.

I called the waiter over impatiently ordering a glass of red wine.

He walked back with my glass of wine and I took a sip absolutely pissed at Marco.

I opened my phone to check for any reply from him once again nothing.

Francesco and Reo where standing behind me and I turned to face them"Are you sure you don't know where Marco is?"I asked them.

"No Ma,am"


He better have a good reason for being late if he's even going to come.

I was starting to get worried when Marco walked in with a bouquet of flowers as he stood by the doorway.

As soon as he spotted me he approached my table the scent of the flowers roaming around him.

He handed me the flowers before taking a seat."Heard you liked baby breaths."I took the flowers taking in their scent before placing them in the chair beside me.

"Thank you." I took the last sip of my wine before placing the glass back on the table."Why didn't you answer me to assure me your going to be late."

"Left my phone in the car when I went to buy the flowers so I didn't get your message."

"Still could have seen the message."I mumbled under my breath.

"I can hear you you know."I rolled my eyes.

He called over the waiter as we ordered our dinner and Marco gave the waiter death glares as I ordered my food.

It wasn't hard to figure why I mean he was obviously flirting.

When he left the table fell in complete silence,I mean what was I supposed to say, I haven't had a good conversation with him never.

"Can I ask you something."

"Yeah sure."

"I want to know stuff about you"

He sighed"Marco were married and I don't even know anything about you."

"Then ask me things about me."I was curious.

"What's your middle name?"

"Why do you need to know That."

Oh my God he's stupid.

"Marco were a married couple we need to know stuff about each other."

He looked very uncomfortable and hesitant to answer.

"Forget it."

"Alessandro... My middle name I'd Alessandro."

I smiled"Marco Alessandro Marino, I like that."

"What about you?"He asked as he pushed his hair away from his face.

"Alessia, it was my mother's name."

"It's beautiful."

I liked this side of Marco, the side I wished I met and not the ruthless side he showed to everyone.

Now that I was looking at him he looked really nervous.

"Can I ask more questions."Although I don't want to push it.

It's the first time Marco and I are in a conversation without it ending up as a fight.

"Ask away."He assured me.

"Why me why get married to me?" The thought that there was still more to this marriage than a title still lingered in my head till this day.

"I thought you knew, to be─"

"Don't dare tell me to be 'the biggest mafia empire in Italy' Marco I need you to tell me the truth we can't keep secrets from each other."

He seemed hesitant."If you want the answer your father is the one you should be asking."


"There's some things I shouldn't be the one telling you about."

I stayed silent as I thought for the real reason for this marriage there's more to it and I need to find out what it is.

─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
Hi guys I've been currently working on a new project and I can't wait to tell y'all about it.

Kisses 🤍

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