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Laura's pov

I stared at my phone screen as his alarm went off.

He stretched out his arm to switch it off before slowly getting out of bed to get ready.

Poor man.

I had been talking to Isa for the whole morning and I missed her so, so much.

Isabella:you did what, are you crazy.

Me:it wasn't loaded so I was in the clear.

Isabella: I have an idea.

Me:what now Isa .

Isa has the weirdest plans and for some reason they always include chickens , yes chickens.

Isabella: he hasn't been treating you that good lately so find his weak spot make him fold till he gives in.

Me: exactly what does that mean.

Isabella: seduce him stupid, so you can get whatever you want but don't sleep with him of course.

Me: Isabella no!

Isabella: think about it , walk around the house with sexy clothing, he'll want more and you could use that to your advantage.

Me: I don't know Isa I'll have to think about it.

Isabella:while you do I'll send you a package you'll find out what it is when it arrives. XOXO.

Me:ok bye Isabella XOXO.

I asked Marco last night if he could allow me to leave the bedroom.

He did but only under the condition of Francesco being with me every where I go.

I didn't want to push his kindness so I took the offer.

I got out of bed soon after Marco left.

I got ready and put on a pair of leggings and a gray hoodie.

I went downstairs to the kitchen when I spotted Luca , Amelia and Marco on the kitchen island.

I thought he left.

I was so happy to see Amelia again,on the night of the party I felt like I made myself a new friend.

It looked like Marco and Luca were having a serious conversation, whatever it was I was pretty sure Amelia wasn't part of it.

"Laura , how are you this fine morning." Luca shouted from across the room.

"I'm fine Luca and hey Amelia."Luca looked and acted abnormal today but I brushed the feeling away and sat down with them.

"Heya Laura, you excited for today."

"What's happening today?"

"Oh about that , Marco I'm taking Laura and Amelia to the country club today."


"What county club?"I asked

"There's a country club not far from here that Marco owns so we're going there today." Amelia replied

"I said no , nobody especially Laura is going there."

"Oh come on Marco the girls want some time together, do you really want to be the one taking their happiness away from them."

Marco looked at Luca and back to me and all the way to Amelia.

He looked hesitant to answer.

"Oh come on babe, please." I said sarcastically.

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