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Meeting my husband

Laura's pov

I slipped on a silk black dress with a lace sweet heart neck line and black heels.

I was contemplating going to this stupid dinner but my father had insisted me going .

I touched up my hair one last time before I headed to the garden. I have always loved nature,it's peaceful and I always go to the garden to get away from my father's agitating voice .

I used to come into the garden with my mother, she loved calling me princessa , it was a little nickname she gave me when I was just born.

When she died father started calling me princessa too , he never called me princessa before. But I knew he called me that because it was a reminder of my mother.

I knew father missed her . He started becoming tough after she died. But never mentioned her death nor did he cry at her funeral.

I needed some quiet time before I met my soon to be husband and the garden was my safe space.

I didn't like the idea of this marriage at all, couldn't they just shake hands and call it a day ,but they just had to throw me into the deal.

"Laura come on Marco is about to arrive ,we have to go." A voice popped out of nowhere whom I assumed was Lorenzo.

I turned around to face him as he took a step forward and pulling me into a hug .

Lorenzo always knew what to do to calm me down and I dreaded the thought of leaving him .

"I don't want to go Lorenzo," Lorenzo squeezed me even tighter assuring me everything was going to be ok .

I pulled out of the hug and slowly walked back towards the mansion Lorenzo followed after me as we entered the building.

The dining table was nicely decorated with navy blue and beige accents, I have never seen my family try to impress someone this hard before, this man must be a very well respected man .

I just hoped he wasn't some middle aged man with anger issues.

I took a seat next to Matteo at the dinner table. Matteo handed me a silver pendent and as I opened it ,it had a picture of my mother in it , Matteo squeezed the pendent into my hand " It's all for her" he said and nothing followed after that .

What ... why , Mother could never do this to me she adored me too much to sell me off. I had so many questions to ask Matteo but before I knew it Marco had arrived.

I started hearing voices coming from the grand foyer. It must be him he has arrived.

"Stand up , we have to show our respect for Mr.Marino ." I did as my father said right then a man dressed in an all black suit with gorgeous brown hair pushed back and fully covered in tattoos walked in with two body guards on either side of him .

He looked forty years younger than I thought and more handsome too, I'll give him that.

He sat on the table across from my Father and we all followed after .
My father respected this man more than he respects his own family.

"Mr.Marino this is my daughter Laura ."my father introduced

"I'm not here to chit chat Capone I'm here for our deal."

He's also ruder than I thought. Was my father really going to send me off with this man for a title. I had enough of him already and I don't know how I will tolerate him.

"Father are you going to let me marry this sorry excuse of a man!" I looked at my father whom had a fear filled expression on his face as if he were scared.

"Hmm , Capone tell your little brat to shut the fuck up before I do it myself !" Marco said pointing a hard finger on me .
I instantly shut up , I didn't want to get my father in trouble because of my big mouth.

My father turned to look me "Laura my princessa Marco is to be respected not the other way around, do you hear me ."
He said in a calming tone .

"Yes Father"

"Good girl , now Capone I want her in Sicily in one week, if you keep your end of the bargain I'll keep mine are we clear Capone , If not this will be the last time you'll ever see your little Princesa!"He said in a sharp Italian accent

"As you wish Mr.Mariono " I've never seen my father looking so defeated after my Mother's death .

Marco looked intimidating and fearful someone I shouldn't mess with but he's going to make that really hard for me .

The rest of the dinner was pretty much quiet and before Marco left he threw some papers in front of my father and left .

Whatever their deal was ,It definitely wasn't all for a title or merging the empires it was way more than that.

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