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Blood shed

Laura's pov

I laid in the bed staring at the dark grey walls. The sound of the rain hitting the windows only made this moment even more nurturing.

I sat in bed texting Isabella , I truly did miss her and wished she had came to Sicily with me but of course this butt head called Marco wouldn't allow it.

Marco's alarm went off as soon as the clock hit six.

He reached out his arm to switch it off before getting out of bed.

Like always he went into the bathroom, took a shower and got changed.

He came out of the closet wearing his usual black attire.

He came out fixing his silver watch that was cuffed around his wrist.

Looking at Marco made me question why he's like this. I've never seen Marco smile.

I've never seen Marco laugh.

I've never seen Marco look happy in general.

If only I knew what was behind all that toughness maybe I would consider being his friend.

Marco was extremely handsome and fit don't get me wrong but his attitude stank.

"Luca and Amelia are coming over today and when I get back we'll have to go into town to get a few things."Marco interrupted my thoughts.


"I'll tell you when I get back."


I focused my attention back to my phone forgetting the fact that I was still in a conversation with Isabella.

As soon as Marco left I took a shower and put on a knee length long sleeved cream sweater and a pair of tall cream leather heels and matched it all with a long cream trench coat and a purse to top it all off.

It was a simple yet cute outfit witch is what I normally opted for.

Making my way downstairs Luca and Amelia had just entered the kitchen.

Amelia and Luca took a seat on the small breakfast table whilst Elena was making us breakfast.

I joined them taking a seat before greeting them.

"Do you know why Marco invited us?"Amelia asked.

"No,I thought you knew."

Amelia and I both turned to face Luca who looked just as clueless as we were.

"How come you don't know?"we asked him.

"What Marco doesn't always tell me everything."

Our conversation was disturbed when Elena came over with our breakfast witch looked absolutely delicious.

Elena will never disappoint when it comes to food.

"Thank you Elena."Amelia thanked her before she walked back into the kitchen.

"Its funny how I've known you for so long yet I don't know much about you."

I chuckled."Yeah I really miss home but Sicily is not that bad even though Calabria was were everything I've ever loved was."

Calabria was home and I loved how beautiful it looked. Calabria was home and will always be home.

The only place I will ever find my inner child.

"How was it like living in Calabria?"Amelia asked taking a bite of her strawberry.

"Amazing,My best friend and I would never stay in the house for too long there was so many places to visit we would never get bored ever."

"Well don't keep me in the dark tell me about her."

"Isa?... She was an amazing friend she had everything anyone would ever want in a person, she was caring, loving,funny,sweet, beautiful and let me not forget the best gift giver too." I went on.

Luca was totally in his own world as we talked, he was on his phone the whole time before he stood up"I'm going to be in the office if you need me."

He left for Marco's office leaving Amelia and I to continue our conversation.

I went on telling her about my life back in Calabria, Isabella and my Mother.

Amelia reminded me of Isa they were almost the same person, maybe that's why I never felt sad or down when I was with her.

She resembled Isa in every way.If Isa would ever meet her they would get along so well.

Our conversation went on for an hour as we ate our breakfast.

Luca walked down the stairs towards us holding some papers before he stopped in front of us.

"We're going to meet Marco in town."

Amelia and I cleaned up before we followed Luca into the black SUV as we drove out the large iron gates.

We sped past gorgeous old traditional buildings on our way to meet Marco.

The weather was still gloomy out just as I liked it.

After a long drive into town we stopped right next to Marco's Lambo but he was nowhere to be seen.

"Where's Marco?" I asked Luca

"Shit!" Luca did not look happy at all instead he looked frightened.

He quickly got out of the car"Make sure they get home safe."he told Francesco.

"Luca what's going on."I started to panic.

Luca just closed the car door pulling out a gun and pointing it to the multiple cars headed towards us.

Marco came out of one of the cars gesturing Luca to turn around.

Our car quickly turned around and sped off before we could process what was going on.

What the hell was going on.

I flinched when I heard multiple gun shots at the back of our SUV.

I started to hypervalent and looked over to Amelia who looked just as frightened as I did.

Soon I passed out.

─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
The next few chapters are about to get interesting and I can't wait to start writing them.

Kisses 🤍

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