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Tired of all the fights

Laura's pov

I woke up to a note on the side of my bed, addressed to me from Marco.

Get dressed, Francesco is going to drive you to the hotel.

I wonder why he needs me there but curiosity kills the cat.

Memories of last knight flooded my memory.

I kept getting butterflies in my stomach whenever I talked to him.

His voice was deep yet soothing mixed with his sharp Italian accent witch made it much more hotter.

Something was different about him he was friendlier ish, and he managed to open up to me.

You've got to start somewhere maybe this was the start to a friendly marriage.

I'm so sick and tired of all these fights it's actually starting to exhaust me.

I finally built up the courage to get out of bed when I realized i don't remember getting into the house nor changing into my pajamas.

Did Marco─oh not again.

I should stop falling asleep so quickly.

I went into the bathroom to take a shower before I got changed into a cute floral dress and put on a pair of flats.

I did a little bit of makeup before I grabbed my purse and putting all my essentials inside then leaving the room.

I went into the kitchen remembering there was a left over brownie in the fridge only to open it and found nothing I asked Elena if anybody ate it and she said Marco took it to work right before he left.

I thought he didn't like sweet things.

I grabbed a smoothie before Francesco escorted me to the car.

─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───

I arrived at a tall building once again with Marino written in bold.

The first time I was here I left in tears let's just hope that won't be the case today.

Francesco went around the vehicle to open the door for me reaching his hand out as he helped me out of my seat.

He closed the door behind me as Reo joined and they both escorted me into the building.

I was greeted by warm smile's from the employees as we went into the elevator up to the floor where Marco's office was situated.

Entering his office Luca was seated on the couch busy on his laptop and Marco was behind his desk doing the same.

All eyes were on me as I took my seat.

"Your late."The first words that came out of Marco's mouth.

God I forgot how irritating he is.

"Why am I here Marco?"

"Straight to the point haa sunshine."Luca spoke.

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