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Laura's pov

2 months later

I sat on the sand taking in the warmth of the sunset.

Being in touch with nature has always been something I loved about me,the water cooling my feet,the sand in-between my fingers and the breeze of the wind calming me.

I couldn't ask for a better honeymoon.

Although we were just a little bit late on the honeymoon phase of our marriage—maybe like what a year or so late.

After Marco recoverd from his injury he surprised me on a honeymoon to Costa Rica.

I've been yapping about another vacation and he gave me the best one yet.

If I was told a year ago the same man that had walked into my house had dinner with my family and insulted and threatened me on the same day would be the love of my life I would have laughed in your face.

I had fallen in so hard I don't think I'll ever come back again.

Marco had taken me out on a sunset picnic on the beach right in front of our house.

It felt weird to say that.

Turns out Marco has multiple vacation properties all over the world Costa Rica being one of those places.

He cooked everything himself and swore with him around I would never need to use the kitchen to cook and that he did all the cooking.

I wasn't complaining,his cooking was the best.

"This is perfect."This moment was perfect.

"Just like you."the way Marco looked at me would drive everyone away even from miles away just from a sniff you could tell this man was in love.

He gave me a kiss on the cheek before reaching for something in the picnic basket.


"What's that?"I asked.

"Your second surprise."

"Another one."

"Don't tell me you hate my surprises."he put on a fake sad face on witch looked silly.

"I love your surprises."

"Then you'll love this one."He handed me the papers and I proceeded to read the and my mouth dropped.

"No way—the whole country club."

"I figured if your going to spend the rest of your life with me you may need something to keep you busy—of course I'll be taking up most of that time."

I crashed my lips onto his passionately kissing him"I guess that's a yes."

"More than a yes."

Suddenly I felt my lunch coming up"oh oh."

I rushed inside into the bathroom and fell on my knees as I vomited into the toilet.

Marco followed after me and held my hair up so I wouldn't get it dirty.

"I must of gotten the bad piece of the sandwich."I joked.

"Or your pregnant."The thought hadn't even crossed my mind.

Yes we've been having unprotected sex for days now but I'm on birth control.

"But I'm on birth control."

"Its not one hundred percent accurate amor."

I stood up and closed the toilet seat flushing and then sitting on it.

Are there any pregnancy tests lying around.

Technically I hadn't went on my period in three months since they were on and off so I couldn't tell if I was late.

Marco checked the bathroom cabinets till he found a pregnancy test."This should do."

I didn't even ask why they were there and took it anyway.

I stared at the pregnancy test for what felt like ages now."how long has it been."

"Thirty seconds."


"Laura look at me."I looked at him.

"I love you no matter what,baby or not okay."

I wasn't against it,yes the timing was off but I would love this baby no matter what.

"I know,and I mean it would explain why I've been hella sick in the morning."

Laura Marino pregnant with Marco's baby.

Two minutes passed and I checked the test again.My heart stopped.

"Marco—im pregnant."Marco's face lit up with joy and he captured me in his arms as he spun me around.

"I wouldn't ask for anything better.

3 years later.

"Daddy is the worst."Bella crossed her arms and threw on her angry face at Marco.

"I know he is isn't he."I gave Marco a smirk.

"The literal worst."Luca teased.

"Worst of them all."Amelia followed

"I know I know I'm the worst,but having ice-cream before dinner has even started is a no for me."

"But mommy said I can have the mint chocolate chip ice-cream."

"And daddy said no ice-cream so listen to him."she turned to face me."Tell daddy I'm no more talking to him and I'm going to go play with Alessio."she ran to the living room where Alessio was playing with his toys.

"Bella is just so beautiful she took all her mother's looks and pasted then on her."Bella looked exactly like me when I was three years old.

Indeed she did look like her mother but Alessio looked exactly like Luca.

Copy and paste of his dad.

Amelia and Luca had come over for Christmas dinner this year.

A lot has happened in a span of three years,Luca and Amelia finally got married,I had Bella and some not so good things too.

My father fell sick, Matteo took over the business and with Isabella—well Elysia came back home.

Like I said a lot has happened in three years.

"Alessio took after his father's looks."I winked at Luca.

"Too bad another trait Bella took from Laura was the love of mint chocolate chip ice-cream aka toothpaste."

"It's not tooth paste it literally has chocolate in it."

"If that makes you sleep at night."

Marco and Luca set up the table before Amelia and I went to go fetch the kids.

Alessio and Bella had gotten along so well they had become best friends, Alessio treated Bella like the little sister he never had.

It touched my heart to see them get along so well."Alright kids time for dinner."they ran past us and into the kitchen and we followed behind them.

This was the family I was looking for,the happy family I've always dreamed to have and here it was.

My perfect little family.

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The end of Her Desire

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