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Marco's pov

"How many warehouse's did he attack."I asked Luca as he was seated across my office table.

"About two outside of Sicily."Angelo attacked two of my warehouse's maybe somehow thinking by doing that I'll become vulnerable.

For as long as I can remember Angelo always wanted to be at the top, he wanted to be above me.

It was actually funny to think about—someone thinking they can take my place.

Luca had already told me that some of our men managed to kill most of Angelo's men my goal was to kill all of them and get the honors of killing Angelo myself.

I want to see him suffer the way he made my family suffer—killing his family wasn't enough for him now it's his turn.

"Tell Gabriel to initiate shutdown on our suppliers outside of Sicily—Angelo won't attack Sicily now witch gives us time."

"On it"Luca stood up but stopped as if he had forgotten to tell me something—he turned around and took a seat once again,"Laura's birthday is tomorrow."

"Yes I know."

"Are you not going to get her anything." I was but it was non of their business, I'm not one for surprises but knowing Laura she would love a gift or something from me.

"Not that I can think of no."

"Marco she's your wife you need to get her something."he looked disappointed as usual but surprises are meant to be kept a secret right.

"She has all she needs here so what else does she need."

Now I have definitely pissed Luca off but he'll see soon why I can't talk.

He stood up again ready to leave this time"You better get her something."then he Left.

I finished up a few calls I had to make before checking on Laura in our bedroom only to find that she was gone.

A part of me was annoyed,I wanted her close to me, I wanted to feel her warmth against me and take in her sweet vanilla scent and never let her go.

Shes defying me in every way, from the way she gets lost in my gaze to the way she quivers at my touch.

She's making me loose it!

I can't stop thinking about her body wrapped against mine.

She wanted to have sex with me and I don't know what made her even think about it, I didn't even know she thought of me like that.

Seeing her so horny and all over me turned me on so much.

The way she came all over my dick, the way she had asked me to ruin her and it's funny to think I hadn't ruined her as she wanted yet.

She was doing things to me.

I had forgotten she had tennis practice today so instead I took a shower before I went to go pick up her gift.

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Laura's pov

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