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A not so surprise

Laura's pov

After my shower I put on a a cute yet classy outfit Marco was waiting in the bedroom as I changed.

I came out and the look on his face said it all.I guess I looked presentable."Do you like it?"I asked as I gave him a little twirl.

"Your-its beautiful."I swear I saw his cheeks turn red.

"Well then where are we going?"

"You'll see."

If Marco was going to surprise me with something then that would be his first time or I'll be the first person he's ever surprised.

He got off the bed and grabbed something in the living room before we headed out.

We got into his Porsche and drove off, I couldn't help but look out the window even though Marco drove so fast that I could barely even see any of the buildings.

I looked over to Marco who looked even more handsome than usual.

Laura snap out of it!!

My eyes traveled from his face to his hands -his very veiny hands clenching around the steering wheel.

And I felt me underwear go wet and quickly looked away.

What was going on!?

We didn't drive for that long when we arrived in front of a tall triangular shaped metal frame.

"The Eiffel Tower."I squealed excitedly.

I could see a little smile on the counter of his lips but it quickly faded away and he got out to open the door for me.

I don't know how I'll get out of this car when my panties are soaked.

He opened the door for me and reached out his hand.

I hesitated obviously what if I had a wet spot at the back of my skirt."What's wrong?"He asked.

Everything is wrong Marco everything.

"Nothing."I reached my hand out and he helped me out the car.

"Are you sure nothing is wrong,I could always take you back to the hotel if your not feeling ok." He placed his hand on my lower back and a consurned look on his face.

"No I'm fine Marco no need to worry."I fixed my skirt as we walked towards the tower witch was way bigger than I thought.

"Why is it so empty I thought the Eiffel Tower should be packed by now."

"I personally request it to be empty for our arrival."

Did he book the whole Eiffel Tower?could you even do that."How?"

"I'm very convincing Laura I thought you should know that already."

He's right I should have.

We went in and took an elevator to the top the view getting even prettier the higher we went.

When we arrived at the top we stepped out the elevator onto a platform that was uncomfortably high up.

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