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Marco's pov

Laura is probably going to hate me for this and by the look on her face she does.

But I would rather deal with more important things than stay at a stupid party.

Gabriel urgently needed my presence,if Angelo thought he had the balls to speak to me in person then so be it-im going to break his neck and chop his fingers into tiny little peaces and feed them to wild dogs.

The way to my office felt way longer than it should be.

When we got to the warehouse multiple men were surrounding Angelo all loaded with weapons.

It actually makes me laugh to think Angelo could come into my territory and expect me not to have backup.

My men were scattered all around even miles away but in order to not make that obvious I brought more than enough backup with me to give him more of a challenge.

In the dimly lit room,I leaned forward, Angelo's eyes piercing into those of mine. The air thickened with tension and the room felt tighter with us in it.

My voice cut through the silence. "Angelo, we need to talk. Your operations are encroaching on my territory, and I won't stand for it."

Angelo, reclining in his chair, feigned innocence. "Marino, it's just business. No need to take it personally."Angelo scowl deepened.

"It becomes personal when your people cross into my turf. This city is mine, and I won't allow you to forget it."

Angelo attempting a conciliatory tone, said, "Marino, can't we find a way to coexist? There's plenty of room for both of us."

My eyes narrowed. "This is my city. You're playing with fire. Back off before things get messy."

Angelo, a hint of desperation in his voice, countered, "Marino, let's be reasonable. We can work together, find a partnership. No need for bloodshed."

Angelo was testing me,he's trying to gaslight me but little does he know Luca is on his way here and as soon as he enters this office Angelo won't be a problem anymore.

leaning back, a sinister smile playing on my lips. "Bloodshed is inevitable if you don't withdraw. Don't underestimate the consequences of crossing me."

Angelo, swallowing his pride, suggested, "Marino we can establish boundaries, respect each other's territories. No need for a war."

"You've got one chance, Angelo. Stay out of my business, or face the consequences. Make the right choice-for your sake."as if I will spare him.

Looking behind Angelo was Luca walking in with a gun in his hand and my men following him"Hello brother."

Angelo quickly turned his head only to meet with a gun to his head."oh Luca how nice it is to see you."

"Nice to see you too."Luca cocked back his pistol

"You don't have the guts to drive a bullet into my head you ever did and you never will."

"I've changed Angelo and I would't mind doing it."

Angelo was a disgrace to the Mariano blood line he craved power more than anything so he tried to kill his family so he could be the only one to ever hold the power in their business.

Angelo murdered Luca's father but fled soon after when he found out killing a well known boss has consequences.

Now he's back to take back his"thrown"

After years of training I trust Luca to have the honor of killing him.

"Your not going to do it."Angelo chuckled.

"Your right I'm not."and with that Luca grabbed Angelo's hand and placed it on the pistol and... well helped him pull trigger to his our death."you are."

Luca had only killed twice in his life this being the second time and I try to keep myself from doing it as much,he works alongside me not for me.

"Get rid of the body and prepare for war,it has just started."I stood up taking one last glance and Angelo then tapped Luca's shoulder and I left.

I had an inpatient Laura who was probably pissed at me maybe even fast asleep wherever she was.

I drove back home nearing my property I entered through the large iron gates and parked my car and headed straight inside.

I walked up the stairs and into our bedroom only to find Laura peacefully sleeping in that dress.

I know by wearing it she wanted to get a reaction from me, a reaction I refused to give her only to get a reaction from her.

Standing here watching her sleep was a very peaceful sight to see.

I slowly shook her to wake her up but not startle her and she slowly fluttered her eyes lashes as she looked up at me"what do you want."her sleepy voice drawing me in even more.

"Come with me downstairs I have something to show you."

She waved her hand at me"Go away Marco I don't want to see your stupid face."she said clearly mad at me.

I picked her up and threw her over my shoulder and it took everything in me not to spank her.

"Let go of me."she started kicking and punching me all the way down the stairs and out the front door"no!"

"Ahh."she mumbled but as soon as I placed her down and turned her around to face the ring of cars and in the middle was her present wrapped in a black bow.

"Shut the fuck up."

"I didn't say anything."

In the middle was a white G63mg customized to Laura's liking.

"Marco that's a car."

"You don't miss much do you."

She turned to face me disbelief in her expression"how did you know."

"I know more than you think I do laura."I took a step closer to her making her stumble back.

"But a car you didn't have to."she spoke but she sounded as if she was out of breath.

"Eventually you had to have your little bit of freedom."

"But why now?"

"I don't know."our eyes where locked into each other as if I was swimming into a sunset.

"Marco."she softly spoke but I was to deep into it before I snapped back to reality.

"It's getting cold we should go inside."

I turned to leave avoiding her as much as I can before she grabbed my arm stopping me."thank you."

That feeling it was back again.

"I'll see you inside."I went inside as fast as I could leaving her to follow after me.

She was doing things to me.

─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
Plot twist boom boom boom.
Was the Angelo and Luca situation expected


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