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Laura's pov

Isa had come over for the last time before I went to Sicily .

Isa was my best friend we met in the fifth grade after being paired up for a group project.And ever since then we have been inseparable.

I told Isa all about the arranged marriage and everything about what kind of man Marco was.

She felt sorry for me , I could see it . I knew Isa was going to be devastated after I left . I dreaded the thought of leaving her behind, but I had no choice. It was me who Marco wanted not Isa

She passed me a glass of wine as we were flipping though the pages of an old photo album.

We both had face masks on in our pajamas sitting on my bed .

She wanted to spend our last day together bonding and looking back at the memories we had made over the years.

The photo album was filled with memories of the places we've been and the vacations we've went on .

Isa pointed at a picture of us eating ice-cream at an amusement park.

"Do you remember this ?"she asked

"Oh yeah I do , it was the day you stole money from Antonio because he refused to buy us ice-cream." I said as we both laughed at the memory of the day.

I then pointed out a picture of us petting a goat at a petting zoo.

"Do you remember this?"

"Of course I do, you were so afraid to pet that goat I literally had to force you to do it." she had a soft smile spread across her face.A smile I was going to miss.

My smile faded away quickly as I saw the sadness in Isa's eyes . It made me sad too.Isa always has a happy expression on her face.

She's the positive friend You've always wanted, I liked that about her.

I was going to leave my home town , leaving my family and my best friend behind. How could this be . How could my father let this be .

Tears formed in my eyes at the thought and Isa noticed as she pulled me into a hug , she squeezed onto me tight as if she didn't want to let go.

I didn't blame her though . Tears ran down my cheeks and onto her shirt, she didn't let go as I was sulking on her shoulder .

She stood up from the bed and held her hands out wanting me to do the same ,I crossed my arms to indicate that I didn't want to but she pulled me up either way .

She grabbed the tissue box that was on my desk and pulled out a tissue to wipe off my tears.

"You can't be crying now , this is our happy time ,our silly time ,you have to cheer up."

She pulled out her phone and started playing some music and dancing along to it pulling me along with her as we started dancing along with the music.

Isa was my safe space my home away from home .

She knew how to cheer me up . I never felt down or sad when I was with her .

She always lit up the room whenever she smiled and she was loved by many.

I liked how defensive she was over me and she was the one who taught me how to cook ,let me just say I'm a pro at making pizza now.

I loved Isa and I never wanted to leave her

─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
If you notice that the chapters are

Short it's because I've been keeping
It simple but they get longer I promise.

Pls vote🤍

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