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My story

Marco's pov

A soft and gentle touch traced my back in smooth lines.

The touch was soothing and comforting one I'd thought I'd never feel again yet here it was again.

The soft and caring touch of someone you who you'd kill for and die for.

I turned over meeting Laura's eyes glaring at me,even in the earliest of the morning she still looked so fucking beautiful.She was my angel in hell, someone who brought out the worst and yet the my best in me.

After resisting her for so long I just could not find a way to let go of her, afraid I will loose her again.

"You have scars."she softly spoke a hint of sympathy in her tone.

One thing I did not want to admit is that I hated my scars yet they where my reality.

The history of my scars was not something I wanted to remember.

"All great leaders have been scared in their own way amor."

"What was your way."my way was not pretty mi amor.

"Do you really want to know?"

"Yes I do."

My mother stood by the door trying her best to keep my father from barging into the room.

It was no secret my father had anger issues and with that he would take it out on my mother and I.

My father was ruthless,no matter how many times my mother had tried to protect me and send me off to sleepovers at Luca's house he would find me and beat me until I could not walk.

I feared my father more than anything and my mother and I could not leave due to some arrangement he made with her family so we where stuck with him.

Night after night I could not sleep because of the pain radiating through my body it was painful to sit or lie down.

I was like his personal punching bag,my father never loved me ever since I came out of my mother's womb.

He hated me and didn't want anything to do with me so he beat me.

Even if we were provided with everything we needed since we had money it never felt like home.

Sometimes I wished I lived with Luca's family.They treated me like I was their own child and made me feel safe whenever I was with them.

The door flung open and my mother fell to the ground and hit her head against the dresser and did not move after that.

My father's eyes where filled with rage and I trambled with fear.

"I-Im s-sorry."I apologized not knowing what I was apologizing for.

It went like this almost all the time and I would try my best to impress my father yet nothing worked.

He stepped closer to me his footsteps feeling like loud bangs on the floor.

He grabbed my arm tightly hurting me and looked me straight in the eyes.

"You where a mistake,you and so was your mother."tears pooled down my face and I could not stop it.

It hurt it hurt so much.

I opened my eyes dreading the memory I looked over at Laura who had tears running down her face.

She hugged me tightly a hug I never thought I would get from anyone else but my mother"I'm so sorry you had to go through all that."she said pressed against my shoulder.

"It's life and shit happens."it was true,I was a young boy who could not do anything.

My father held all the power and I had non,there was nothing a young boy would do but bare the pain until it went away.

And if it didn't you would force it to.

"No your childhood didn't have to be that way,every child deserves a loving family with loving parents and you didn't get that,you didn't deserve to go through that."

She was an emotional wreck,I told her my story was not pretty.

Her emotional intake was the worst I've ever seen,Laura was the most empathic person I've ever met.

I normally never tell people the story of my past,it was way different from many others and very depressing.

But with Laura I felt like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders,it felt right to tell her my story.

"I know amor but there's nothing I can do to change the past,my story may not be pretty but it doesn't mean ours won't be."

She slowly rose from my chest and wiping her tears with the back of her hand"Thank you for telling me-"she held my hand."I'm here Marco I'm always here and I don't mind you dumping everything your holding back on me."

I looked into her eyes everything about them drew me in, everything about her drew me in.

She was everything I didn't think I needed in my life,she was not afraid of the darkness I carried with me,she embraced it.

I loved that about her she was not afraid.

My eyes trailed to her soft pink lips and the only thing I could think about is how I could ruin them.

She was so fucking addictive like my own personal drug so fucking sweet.

I crashed my lips onto hers devouring her with my mouth,drawing every breath out of her until she was fucking breathless.

My cock strained against my sweatpants.

I wanted to take her, right here right now but we where both too vulnerable.

I pulled away"Clearly we both need a break how about we go for a ride."

Her face turned seductive and it only took one glance to know what she was thinking about.

"Not that ride amor I think you forget I own a motorcycle that you haven't ridden."

"You want to take me out on your motorcycle."

"What do you think."

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